If I had my way, Halle would get fired and Gina would be the new Storm in X-Men 3. Halle just isn't tough enough, she's too prissy. Gina plays the warrior woman that Storm is very well.
shareIf I had my way, Halle would get fired and Gina would be the new Storm in X-Men 3. Halle just isn't tough enough, she's too prissy. Gina plays the warrior woman that Storm is very well.
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shareyeah, never really thought about it but gina would make a pretty good storm, at least the storm of the comics, the character in the film seems pretty different.
shareI was just telling my wife that the othe rnight as we watched Firefly. Gina has the presence about as Storm does the caring but in control individual who has allot of power behind her.
sharedude, i was just about to write a topic like this..... i was pissed about how much i hate Halle as Storm, so i was randomly thinking about who should play Storm... and Gina just POPPED into my head!!!
i hope these people take this into consideration!
"Same old Bobby... still 'fraid of a FIGHT!"
*blows up building* O.O ^^
"You know all those dangerous mutants you hear about on the news? I'm the worst one..."
*blows up POLICE cars* O.O :D
I could see her as a good Storm. I always thought that Angela Bassett had the presence and appearance for it. Either way, Halle just isn't able to carry it off. I don't mean anything negative about her acting. She is just to mousy to be convincing.
shareWas just about to write this thread. She would make an excellent Storm. The studio no longer needs Halle as: The franchise has its own fans (not relying on big names), has little fan loyalty to Halle and the studio could save a great chunk on wages and not have to worry about Gina turning into a crazy diva!
Must yell at Avi Arad!
Good choice, I also think she would be a good Storm. She is my 2nd choice after Aisha Tyler though!