5'10' ?????

Chris Rock is listed at 5'11" but in the following pic, Gina Looks about 5 inches taller than him. Are her shoe heels that high?

Your "best"? Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f#%k the prom queen


I'm sure a while ago Gina was listed as being 6ft, she sure looked around six feet in Firefly when she was standing with Alan Tudyk and he's listed here as 6ft?

I dunno.

Thanks for nothing, Russell Tedious Davies, your services on Doctor Who will not be missed.


She's supposedly 5'10". I think the perspective in that picture is just weird. Somewhere in a Firefly/Serenity commentary, I think Joss said they had to work to make Alan seem shorter than his "warrior woman" wife.

Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.


You can clearly see she is wearing high heels in that pic. That is easily adding 4 inches to her heighth.


I love Gina Torres, but my god in heaven how I hated Firefly. Never have I been so glad for a series to die. It wasn't enough that didn't watch it. Its mere existence offended me.


Hooper, I think it's time for your daily enema. Seems you've missed a couple of days and have some sh!t back up in your system.

"Dance Like No One Is Watching"


I just watched a scene of Suits and she looks WAY taller than five ten.
