MovieChat Forums > Gina Torres Discussion > Gina Torres as Wonder Woman

Gina Torres as Wonder Woman

I see that she's voice acting as Wonder Woman in the new DC Universe Online game.
That's a good start, but I honestly can't think of anyone I'd rather see as Wonder Woman in the live action movie (as of this writing, it's scheduled for 2013)
I know, I know, she's black (well, Afro-Cuban whatever), "heresy" you cry. So's Samuel L. Jackson, and he's playing someone who was originally white. There are more important things to look for here.
Putting aside the skin tone "issue", she's everything I want to see in Wonder Woman
She's tall, 5'11"-6'. Wonder Woman NEEDS to be tall, and I can't stand that somehow the standard in Hollywood seems to state that women can't be taller than 5'7"*
She's tough. It's so rare the women in movies actually look tough rather than tiny, weak, and surrounded by stuntmen.*
She's feminine, and (IMO) extremely good looking. No Chyna here.
She can ACT. I hate so much how most young women in Hollywood seem to be selected for their looks and they can't act worth a damn.*

*I know there's exceptions to these, but they're by far the minority, and much more rare when they're bundled together into one person like this.

I did it thirty-five minutes ago.


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I think she'd be a perfect choice, she's beautiful and strong and I already hear her voice when I think Wonder Woman.

They've got to change that costume though if they are making a movie, I thinking something a bit Xena-esque.


Too old. WW should be younger about 25

Badder than old King Kong, Meaner than a Junkyard dog


I don't know if I agree with 25. I'd put WW at about 30. and at 25 it's still really clear when an actor/actress ages. WW needs to appear ageless. At least through a 3 pic deal. Gina Torres can definitely play 30 right now, but I can understand your hesitation as to whether she can play it in 10 years.
She'd still be my first choice out of actresses I know though.

I did it thirty-five minutes ago.


She is a little too old for the (live action) role. Wonder Woman most likely APPEARED to be mid-20s when she first came to "man's world".

Gina would also make a perfect Nubia (Wonder Woman's brown skinned sister, who was "made" at the same time she was, but kidnapped)if she were younger.


WW is one character I think could be played by a black woman, as WW is supposed to be an Amazon. Amazons if im not mistaken are from Brazil? And if Im further not mistaken there is a percentage of the population of Brazilian people who are black.

She has the height but I still cant see her as WW. WW is one character who could be white, black, or hispanic.

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you are thinking of the forest. amazons... the tribe of warrior women... depending on who u ask are either placed in a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia (modern territory of Ukraine). while some historiographers place them in Asia Minor, Libya, or India.


oh and northern africa (specifically libya)
