Sixth Sense - Amazing 5/5
Unbreakable - Good performances, decent ending 3.5/5
Signs - Interesting, fast paced, good acting and a decent ending, (although at this point the twist ending was getting old). 4/5
The Village - amazing cast, great visuals, thrills an amazing story with a letdown ending, (although it was still bearable) 4/5
Lady in the Water - a failed experiment 2/5
I don't know what the *beep* "The Happening" was. Maybe Shamylan was trying to make a comedy 1/5
The Last Airbender - 0/5 a blatant cash grab that wasted Shamylan's talent.
You've got to admit, (and the critics agree), that 4/7 of his films were great, and I respect him for trying to do something different with Lady in the Water. He's done a hell of a lot more as a director and writer than Del Toro, who is held up as the golden god of filmmaking when he's really only made one great film, (Pan's Labyrinth).