Disgrace to his people
He can't pay it forward and help get Latinos in front of and behind the camera jobs. I thinks he's immensely talented and creative but he's a sellout.
shareHe can't pay it forward and help get Latinos in front of and behind the camera jobs. I thinks he's immensely talented and creative but he's a sellout.
shareCan you elabroate on him being a sellout?
shareDon't feed it!!
shareNot entirely trolling, though clearly OP meant to start sh!*. Guillermo doesn't cast Latin@s, by which I mean, Latin Americans, not Spaniards/Europeans. His loss.
A boy's best friend is his mother.
- Psycho (1960)
How is he not? I'm not trolling just pointing out the elephant in the room. Del Toro is a Mexican filmmaker, yet his casts and his crews are always lily white.
shareLike most top Hollywood directors and producers, he probably thinks films with actors who are ethnic/racial minorities in the US won't sell/do well, both in the US and abroad.
A boy's best friend is his mother.
- Psycho (1960)
You're a race-card playing troll worse than those buffoons at the Oscars who couldn't care less about merit or talent. You're not looking for "justice," you're not looking for fair-play and an "even playing field" (there is no such thing as an equality of results, there is only "equality" as basic human beings BEFORE the law to pursue always and at all times UNEQUAL RESULTS. Unequal results, by themselves, do not prove any "injustice." Only Marxism teaches that ANY unequal results are a sign of injustice. Nonsense. No two human beings are equal in anything except their basic humanity. Even identical twins are different and almost every single human you meet can do SOMETHING far better than you. Hence why the entire Division of Labor system economy is based on inequality of all individuals in everything but their basic humanity.
All you're looking for is unearned privilege based on people of White European descent such as Del Toro (being Mexican doesn't automatically make you a Mestizo or brown; there are plenty of white Mexicans with mostly European or Spaniard blood and little or no mixing with the Indian natives), feeling sorry for you because of your supposed "victim-hood" based on the BS and deliberately destructive ideology of Marxism.
Marxism is the most destructive, anti-human and murderous political system of all time. Marxism has nothing whatsoever to do with American ideals. It is pure poison to all American ideals of individuality and small or no government. America was not even founded on the fraudulent mob-rule of "democracy." All "democratic" organization was supposed to be strictly voluntary and signed-off on by EVERY LAST individual to the deal. No one could force you to abide by mob rule. You had to agree to abide by mob-rule EACH & EVERY TIME or it was not a valid contract. This did not last very long because parasites and unjust men know how to manipulate the prejudices, laziness, gutlessness and envy of the masses. Parasites gain a wedge to destroy a good system by corrupting concepts and especially by the simple switch of substituting "democracy" for liberty. Democracy has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with liberty. It is nothing but mob-rule manipulated completely by those who own the mass-media.
There was no IRS or unconstitutional income tax prior to 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act legalized usury and counterfeiting for International Bankers. The entire world's mainstream-media is now concentrated in only 6 extremely powerful hands, all of them Jews and connected to legally counterfeited World Finance and the Rothschild created state of Israel on Palestinian land, without which, not a single Hollywood movie would get off the ground. When was the last time you saw a pro-Palestinian film condemning their 60-plus year ongoing genocide? I rest my case. Everyone knows who the real elephant in the room is.
And if it was an independent production that DID get off the ground, it would never get proper distribution because they own all of those channels too. Isn't it odd how many things you can completely own by counterfeiting money and still have few people know about it by not reporting it in the Media you also own? lol