Best Doctor?

In my opinion, he's up there with Baker but I wanna know your thoughts on this. It seems to me (so far) that he gets bashed on a lot, and I don't seem to understand why so.

Oh god. Here we go again.


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I'm on Doctor who season 3 and I like em.. what kinda bashing? I think he fits the role more then the first 2005 Doctor and I thought he did a good job.


He gets voted as the best Doctor all the time, so don't know what bashing you mean? People gave him flack for his "American" accent in Gracepoint, but I thought he did a good job.


David is probably my favorite actor, but best Doctor? Nah. He's pretty far down the list for me. Not because of his performance, mind you, but because I wasn't keen on how his Doctor was written most of the time.

Then again, I'm an old school fan (the Seventh Doctor is my favorite, FWIW), so I just didn't feel his portrayal felt right to the history of the character. YMMV, of course. Everyone has different opinions. *shrug*

To me, David did his best with the material he was given, but you can only do so much with what I think of as weak writing and characterization.


I was never much of a Whovian as a wee lass, probably because the very first episode I ever saw (Tom Baker was in it, along with leggy girls in very short skirts), I was perhaps six or seven and I was having an insanely bad migraine at the time. I truly enjoyed Christopher Eccleston's performance, though, and was sad to see him go, but not for too terribly long, once I got a look at David, and then it was ON!


David is my favorite Doctor. I've only started watching the remake of 2005+, so I can't speak for the previous Doctors in the original series(unfortunately), but of all the recent ones I've seen he is definitely my favorite. He brought a fun aspect to it and I feel like he made his Doctor such a genius, more so than the ninth Doctor. He was so convincing and exciting every episode. I definitely cried when he left.

Maybe when they're off season I'll go back and watch some of the original seasons (:

Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And whatever you do, don't Blink. 🏦


His "accent" was good most of the time but it wasn't him, not because I know his voice but because it seemed strained.

The best? No. The most fun to watch? Very.


I absolutely love him as the Doctor. It took a lot for me to warm up to Smith; I just found him to be so dynamic! Tom Baker was my doctor growing up. I don't think many compared to him but David Tennant certainly does. And as much as I love David Tennant, I have to say that the new doctor just may surpass him!
