
Honestly she's so nightmarish looking. Like she's all hyped up on Botox and been poping drugs for years. How the hell does this hellish beast get with someone half her age? Just looking at her gives me shivers.


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might have a good personality, something you've failed at. for future reference it can be pivotal.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


might have a good personality, something you've failed at. for future reference it can be pivotal. +1


Dearest Fluff, don't listen to the sheeple, who desperately wish to believe in fairy tales, and whose basic entry-level common sense is clouded by adherence to slogans, whimsical cultural conformity, and buffoonish Political Correctness. Yours is a valid question.

Normal young guys, who are of highly above-average looks (nevermind that he's a celebrity too) and are very successful, simply don't date horse-toothed, haggard, grandmotherly, talent-less, androgynous, fiendish little cows like her without good reason. Like:

...Mental illness!

Clearly, something happened to that one as a young boy. Mommy did something naughty. Or an aunt. Step-mother?

Who knows? But it sure seems to have left a nasty stinging mental boo-boo. Aint no BandAid for that.

Unfit and irresponsible mothers of the world...take notice! See what happens when you suck at your job? Your son grows up to be a successful actor, who dates his grandmother, and likes it!

Could be worse, I suppose. He could have been diddled by a Catholic priest or something, which I assume has even worse consequences. But still, everyone thinks/feels/says the same damn thing when they see a picture of him with witchy-poo.

(Well, cept the really daydreamy, out-of-touch, PC, mindless fools who adore watching TMZ and shopping at Walmart. They think it's just adorable. But then, they think a lot of things, don't they?)

And let me go even further, with an uncharacteristically serious comment. I've now known (or sort-of knew) three different guys in very similar situations. Interestingly and coincidentally, all cases involved attractive (or very attractive) guys who dated women old enough to be their mom, and older. In all cases, it ended very badly. Not so much for the guys, of course. But it was messy and filled with gossip and drama when the explosive end came. In the first case, their relationship lasted almost 10 years. The other two were less, can't remember how long, but they were certainly not quick flings.

Three incidents hardly makes someone an expert. BUT, if I was in Vegas, and they were giving odds on whether or not he dumps her geriatric rear end, I'd put good money on that.

She should enjoy herself to the fullest while she can, the clock is ticking. Just think about it, when he turns 30, she'll be nearly 93 years old. That's just too ancient to be feasible, yo! He'll only change so many of her diapers before a profound realization kicks in, and he starts fornicating with Lupita, their undocumented cleaning lady.

And back to the hypothetical Vegas odds, one would have to wonder how much time she has left before my predictions come to pass. Get it right, and your winnings will be far greater! Hmmm...hard to say. His delusion runs strong and deep, like the mighty river catfish, so it's doubtful it will happen too soon.

I'm gonna guess around 5-6 more years.

Aight kiddies, place your bets! Let's meet back here in a half decade (or sooner, if some poop goes down earlier), and compare notes.

