Amazing job with fifty shades
She brought depth and class and taste and actually coaxed some chemistry from the two leads.
Given what she had to work with - a grody, sex filled, 600 page tome that seemed to have been written by a horney 15 year old. with some of the worst dialogue of any book I have every tried to read. Two chapters and my brain cells were screaming for me to stop it because their brothers were dying with each sentence.
It will be interesting to see how part two compares. With the material at hand Sam should have received an Oscar nomination with the amazing job she did. classing up the joint
now the Stephanie meyer or whatever she calls herself by these days, is calling the shots on part 2 I'm sure things will lack the taste and class and chemistry of part one.
I hope she receives more director opportunities as the few she has done so far have been very well done.