Ugh she's disgusting

For two reasons, one she's not so pretty on the eyes and two, she's 23 years older than her husband, he was 19 when he met her and she was 42, that just makes me sick to me stomach. And they have 2 kids as well, she basically ripped away that kids childhood and turned it into parenthood. UGH CRINGEWORTHY


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True she's not that pretty. She is one lucky woman to have such a cute husband (and open-minded I might add - especially since he took her last name as well). No different than older men with much younger women, which I wonder if you find disgusting as well.


And they have 2 kids as well, she basically ripped away that kids childhood and turned it into parenthood
LOL,stop acting like you are concerned about his well being,you and everybody are just talking sht about aaron beacuse he is not with a younger model type


So...all of us who aren't supermodels are disgusting? I think THAT is what is digusting here, not that a woman with average looks is dating a much younger and more attractive man. Last time I checked, a person was legally an adult at 18 years old, and therefore quite capable of making their own decisions. Yes, it is unusual and I doubt that I would do the same thing, but perhaps these two people- two timeless souls- fell madly, hopelessly in love.

That is what we all wish for, right? To be so much in love with another person that we don't really care about age or looks, or what anyone else thinks about it.

Sure, it's not a perfect situation, and I'm sure she is reminded of it every single day as she gets older and he gets hotter and more famous. But even if it doesn't last forever, I'm sure it was worth the ride.


Maybe her husband was just very mature for his age. Granted i was a juvenile idiot with hormones all over the shop at 19. That doesn't mean he was, their attraction makes sense when you think about it. She's a director and he's an actor so they have work in common. Maybe he was attracted to the fact that she's successful in her chosen field it's not just women who find achievement attractive. Thats a pretty good start to a relationship respect for someone. And getting to the nitty gritty sexually their going to be in a better place as a women's libido is widely accepted to peak later in life which may explain the whole cougar phenomenon as western society evolved to the point where women are allowed to be seen and heard.

Or maybe its as simple as they fell for each other, people should respect other peoples love it rarer than you'd like to admit.


yeah just mature for his age, that's it. He's gonna divorce her before he turns 30, just wait


they exchanged each others last name, he was johnson, she was taylor...

An Idea is the most resilient parasite - Inception


Whaaaaatever, PC sheeple squad.

Can you people ever not answer with option 1, 2, or 3? (Geeze, like robots, these types) The go-to reply is always the same: "Would you say that about BLANK". Or, "How come you have no problem with a man marrying a women much younger?". Blah blah blah.

Oh these naughty, bad people, with their vile double-standards, hating this fine women just because her husband is half her age. Oh the hypocrisy! Oh the humanity!

The fact is, it bothers people. Lots of people. And not for the typical auto-pilot, after-school-special, 'things grandma used to say', 'I'm ok/you're ok' reasons that the lemmings do so adore. They find these supposedly dreadful people to be selfish, shallow, narcissistic, unhappy, and superficial for thinking such a thing about this old and inept director. Keep telling yourselves that. After all, its what you've been programmed to say in such situations. And if there is one thing which the sleepwalkers adhere to above and beyond anything else, it is their programming. It defines them. Wholly.

(These kind and caring "good" people are never selfish, shallow, narcissistic, and superficial, right? Or, more likely, they are equally selfish, shallow, narcissistic, and superficial, but when it comes to topics of PC importance, they agree with the rest of the herd, thereby eradicating all of those negative character traits, essentially. Brilliant! Now THAT, is some real hypocrisy! And not the garden-variety flavor either, but the new and improved "Extreme Nacho Cheese Implosion" flavor. It's bold, sassy, and delicious!!!! GTFO noobs.)

No, I think it is far more interesting and primal than that. I think it is instinctual. At least, my anti-programming anti-conformity filter enjoys assuming such colorful things. I think some people react to marital situations like this one, without any premeditation. It just feels...wrong to them. (in that lower-brain sort of way)

Men have married younger (sometimes FAR younger) women since long before recorded history. It might not be right, but it's the way the world has always been. After all, what is "right"? And in this case, it might actually be proposed that those people who find it distasteful, are simply being more honest than the rest...who usually first digest a situation, quickly calculate the culturally acceptable response, and only then comment. In the safest way, of course.

In this specific case of older-woman/younger-man, our far older, manly/androgynous, horse-toothed no-talent director with the young handsome husband sure does get a lot of panties in a twist, doesn't she? But what does it really say about the two very different types of people on opposing sides of this fence? Ask yourself this. Do it! DO IT NOW, PIGGIES! And then, write a lengthy essay about it. Send it to your local councilman. At least 5,000 words, BY MONDAY!

In conclusion, my dearest lovely swine, perhaps we should embrace our inner cave men, instead of lining up to loudly exclaim how dreadful it is that people wouldn't automatically accept and adore any given situation. Ponder this, sing a few lines of Kumbaya My Lord, and then reflect upon what monumentally good people you are, and how the rest are foul vermin, put on this earth for no reason other than making you angry.

You --- Good
Those who agree with you --- Good.
Others --- BAD!!!

See how simple that is?
