Jim is born 1981!!!!Change his birthdate for gods sake!!
Jim is NOT born in 1978!!! Some idiot came up with that several years ago, counting ion when he graduated school. But it's wrong! He is born in 1981!!!
1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981
Change it now!!!
There is not easy to find prof on the internet because all the idiot news paper have checked here on imdb which is stating that he is born in 1978.
But here is some proof: He talked about his 30th birthday party the same year on Jimmy Kimmel live in August 2011. His co-star Doona Bae in Cloud Atlas has said thateven though he is younger than her, she feels like a little sister! She is born in 1979.
So change it! We all know that Jim is born in 1981!!! It's not good for him that imdb is considered to be the umtimate source, when you are spreading false *beep*