MovieChat Forums > Mark Strong Discussion > Can he play sensitive or vulnerable?

Can he play sensitive or vulnerable?

Anyone know if he has ever played a character with a sensitive or vulnerable side? In a believable way? I've never seen it and wonder if he's able to. I know he did Mr Knightley in the 1996 Emma, but a lot of people found him miscast.

I don't mean it as criticism, not everyone can or should do everything, and he has a brutal, ruthless energy that makes him a great villain.
I'm just curious if there are more sides to him than I'm aware of, or if this might be one reason why he mainly chooses villain roles?


Yes, emphatically yes.

See Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, watching Jim Prideux is like watching someone struggle for air. A word to the warning, that movie receives a great deal of criticism for being complicated and slow. It is not slow, but it is complicated (I had to see it twice), but I would still rank it as one of my favorites in the last five years, just don't go into it thinking you are in for a passive viewing.

I saw the just The Imitation Game, and he was fantastic in that as well, definitely not the vulnerable character you are looking for though.

Between those two movies, I wanted to come this board to see what else was out there, and I am surprised to learn that he is often the villain.


I LOVED him as Mr. Knightley! He was also funny as Colin Firth's buddy in Fever Pitch. 

Just because I'm easily distracted doesn't mean I


I recall him saying that before he started going bald all he seemed to play were one-note love interests.

So I'm guessing yeah, he's played sensitive and vulnerable characters.


As another commenter has mentioned, watch Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy. Strong says so much without saying a word! (the hallmark of a great actor). With just a look he can convey longing, helplessness, vulnerability...He's a top class actor!!

