Variety's film awards editor says that Kristen is currently the frontrunner of the Best Actress Oscar Race. So let's hope it stays that way:
UPDATED: Dec 16, 2021
AWARDS PREDICTION COMMENTARY: Kristen Stewart leads the critics’ prizes for her turn as Princess Diana in “Spencer” from Pablo Larrain. The Neon and Topic Studios drama may be incredibly divided with general audiences. Still, there’s an appreciation and respect to what she brings to the role, and she may have reached her moment in the awards circle after being passed over for strong outings in films like “Clouds of Sils Maria.”
Her biggest competition seems to be Lady Gaga as the murderous Patrizia Reggiani in “House of Gucci” from Ridley Scott. However, she’s already picking up a very high-profile win from the New York Film Critics Circle; she’s working the circuit and seems prime for her second acting nomination.
Whether of not Kristen will remain the frontrunner has yet to be seen. But one thing that is almost certain is the Best Actress Oscar winner will be one who is portraying a famous person:
Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana
Lady Gaga as Patrizia Reggiani
Nicole Kidman as Lucille Ball
Speaking on the topic of embodying real-life people, last year's Best Actress Oscar winner Frances McDormand won the golden statuette for portraying a lackluster, nondescript, uninspiring and fictitious character who lived her life as a nomad and formed no emotional connection with any of the other characters in the film. I mean, there is no point of reference on whether or not McDormand convincingly and realistically portrayed her character Fern, as Fern never existed.
So I don't understand why some naysayers are splitting hairs on Kristen's performance, claiming she did not look or sound exactly like the most famous woman of the 20th century and for this reason should not win an Oscar. In my opinion, Kristen came as close as any actress has ever come to realistically portraying Diana Spencer on the big screen and for this very reason is worthy of the golden statuette.
Of course, Kristen winning still depends on whether Kristen's portrayal was superior to that of Lady Gaga and Nicole Kidman, who also portrayed famous people. And to be fair, they too have naysayers, as the haters claim Kidman looks nothing like Lucille Ball while Lady Gaga had a Russian accent, not the Italian one she should have had in House of Gucci.