Oscar nom, really?
why - she didn't make the role that much more amazing, she's playing something that might not be too hard to portray for her as a black woman raised in the South - and frankly it was a caricature, and the help was more movie of the week than a true theatrical quality release.
The Oscars are too politically correct sometimes, and have to nominate someone just to include everybody regardless of quality.
Look at Halle Berry - which was a mistake in giving (she didn't earn that oscar, please...) the best actress award. What a joke! and she hasn't done jack since, and she didn't do that much before. What PC garbage.
There are better more deserving best supporting actress and I didn't think Melissa Mcarthy deserved it either - and I loved Bridesmaids and her performance in it, but it's a comedy, and she's a comedian, and it wasn't like it was a hard performance for McCarthy either.
Jonah Hill did an excellent job as a supporting actor if you want to understand what I consider a worthy nomination.
Shailene Woodley (even though I didn't think The Descendants was that great) did a great performance as well. Actually, if anybody from The Help got a nom - and it's a stretch for both of them for the specific roles - Viola (who I think is an excellent actress, but not for this role though she did a decent job) and Jessica (which I didn't think she deserved it as much as for her other roles in other movies for the year).
I even think Gadboure Sideby did a magnificent job in Precious, so didn't start the typical vitriol for honesty.