MovieChat Forums > Abigail Spencer Discussion > gorgeous but plastic surgery?

gorgeous but plastic surgery?

there's something that looks quite fake/smoothed out about her face. i came here expecting her to be in her 40s - surprised she's the same age as me :s


I know I feel the same way. She is freaking gorgeous but I thought she was late 30s. Surprised that shes only 31....maybe she's lying about her age.


I am also surprised she is yet to turn 32. She looks older than that around the eyes.


I think it's an obvious nose job. Would love to see what she looked like before. I have nose-dar and hers seems too sculpted and doesn't really go with her face.


She's probably had cosmetic procedures like laser, filler and Botox. I doubt she's had surgery. But I agree, she does look older - but that is by Hollywood standards. If we saw her in the grocery store, we would probably think she looks like she's 30.


Seems like alot of people feel that way.
And so do I.
Beautiful, but I thought she was older..


To me (at 47) she looks a lot younger.


The more I see her, the more I feel something is "off" about her face. Maybe a bit of surgery, maybe a bit of botox.

She's quite naturally beautiful, but her face just doesn't emote the way it's supposed to. The expressions seem a bit flattened and it gives her an odd coldness. And, yes, her face looks unnaturally smooth as well. It gives the impression she's older, but with botox.

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Yes. Abigail's current face is too skeletal; her cheeks sink in a bit (like with elderly people) and she looks a bit sickly or worn-out. Also, she is so over-Botoxed that she cannot move her forehead muscles. We watched her go thru every emotion tonight and the forehead was completely still, pulled taut, and a bit shiny. We were stunned by how bad it was. Around the mouth wasn't so hot either.

Actors should always leave some forehead flexibility for emotional range. In her case, it also wouldn't hurt to gain a few pounds. Youthful, healthy faces don't have sunken cheeks; the fat cells in our cheeks diminish with age and decline in poor health. While she has some pretty features, I would've never guessed that she was under 45.

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