Suck Much?

Extremely simplistic, unsophisticated stories. Most of the plot is mansplained by a chorus, which breaks the cardinal rule of good writing: SHOW don't TELL

Another example of a mediocre white man with an undeserved place in history. Tyler Perry would never


Not as funny or clever as you think.


^ Offended mediocre white man trying to pass off his rage as critique

Salt much?


He's a Troll School dropout.


^ Offended mediocre white man trying to pass off his rage as critique

Salt much?


Is this a joke?

Oedipus Rex is probably the most important dramatic work ever written. The foundation of 20th century psychology was built upon it.


That's a funny way of saying

"Extremely bad, extremely wrong pseudoscientific theories of psychology, created by a man horny for his own mother, were based on this play"


So some message board troll understands it better than an entire mental health establishment founded upon it. Uhuh.

Hmmm, doesn't like Sophocles, doesn't like Freud, doesn't like Jung, doesn't like Pagia. But he likes a man in a dress. Lol.


The entire mental health establishment has roundly rejected Freud's coked-up theories

Not to mention that mental health =/= to psychology. Psychology is a natural science, psychiatry is a medical practice. Freud has even less of an influence in the science of psychology

But even just in terms of psychiatry, his theories are about as relevant and practiced today as those of Hippocrates in somatic medicine

And yes, I sure would hope that I understand modern mental health better than Freud. I'd hope you do too. Just like I hope that you understand why bloodletting and lobotomies are outdated and ineffective. Medicine is one of the areas of human endeavor where it's clearest why we should not blindly worship the figures of the past


Why do you post this here? Oedipus obviously has sex with his mother unknowingly. After realizing it he is utterly disgusted and blinds himself. The play is a masterpiece. Regarding Freud I agree with you. Most of his stuff is unscientific made up bullshit.


Again, I explained to you that Freud built the foundation. That doesn't mean that psychiatry has not evolved. And Freud's theory of the unconscious is still in tact. You think these ideas appear from nowhere?

Oedipus Rex is a psychosexual masterpiece.

I'm not gonna debate ideas like penis envy with you, fool.

You like Tyler Perry, right? Lol.


^ roundabout way of saying you want to fuck your mom


That's not what the Oedipus Complex implies. It merely describes the male child's possessive attachment to his mother and his rivalry with his father for her attention. It's not rocket science. It's just how males assert their independence. And it's never been rejected by the psychiatric establishment.

"Penis envy" got Freud in trouble with liberals and feminists. That's why many academics reject his name now, but still teach most of his other concepts.


You cannot falsify a claim like "children experience a stage where they feel a certain way toward their mother and another way toward their father". To falsify it you would essentially have to read a child's mind. If it's so resistant to falsification then it's already on shaky ground as a scientific hypothesis, but we can at least try to see if we can find empirical support for it. If it's supported by observation and the results can be reproduced then the hypothesis gains credence. Basic science

Certain children will be more attached to one parent or another, sure, so in some cases you CAN observe attachment to the mother and hostility to the father. But is this innate? Is it a distinct stage which can be observed

If you can find modern psychological articles that express support for the Oedipus Complex as a childhood developmental stage over competing models I will grant you your point

IMO Freud's widespread influence is something of a tragedy. Although some of his theories do contain germs of truth, they do not qualify as legitimate science. They're closer to second-rate philosophy. Not that philosophy is inferior to science, but it must be filtered through empirical observation before it's used as a medical treatment. Freudian psychoanalysis skips that step

Compare that to philosophers such as David Hume, who argued that the understanding of the world stems from experience, laying the foundation for behaviorism and conditioning, which laid the groundwork for psychiatric theories of illness such as the Trauma model which, unlike Freud's ideas, are not mere relics

That is how philosophy ought to properly influence medicine. Influence alone is not proof of accuracy. Psychiatry has struggled for decades to eliminate pseudoscientific elements from its practices, and Freud's methods played a big role in normalizing these elements


My OP was a joke, I don't think Sophocles was a bad writer. But my contempt for Freud is anything but a joke


No, it wasn’t. You see, jokes are funny.


No they aren't. Ever heard of Carlos Mencia?


Cyber Boob digging himself a deeep hole.


Your mom sucks Leftard
