Well, all I know is that if I were Jussie, I'd prefer to play the part of the martyr and be punished, than treated with kid gloves.
If he's treated nicely, despite trying to hoodwink all of society into believing he was the victim of a racist/homophobic assault, where does that leave him? It proves he is completely and utterly wrong about society, and that we're all much more tolerant and reasonable and decent than he wants us to believe. It kills his 'Trump's America is an evil country made up of bigots' narrative stone cold.
Admittedly I say this all as a progressive liberal who nevertheless hates the mendacious BS and lies some of my fellow 'progressive liberals' keep pumping out. The truth is, a lot of them would actually have preferred Jussie's story to have been true. They'd seriously have preferred him to be the victim of a serious hate crime than be confronted with the reality that, hey, maybe he wasn't assaulted by a pair of MAGA-cap wearing white supremacist bully-boys.
But like I say, it takes a progressive lib to know one, and I can tell the rest of you that if you really want to hurt these people the best thing is to show them that they're wrong. Demonstrate to them that, hey, maybe not all Trump-supporters are dyed-in-the-wool bigots. Maybe a good few of them are actually more tolerant and more forgiving than some of us on the political left.
The worst thing to do however would be to confirm their prejudices.