Holloween Commercial?

Does anyone know if Harley Quinn has recently been in a holloween commercial? My husband and i see this commercaial all the time and the little girl looks excatly like Harley, same age too. If anyone knows or finds out please let me know thanks!


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how am i a racist for asking a simple question?


and you ninthwave are an idiot!!!

nWo 4-Life! Halloween Rules!(The Holiday)


Racist? What the hell?


i somehow gather that the guy was making a joke. clearly nothing was racist about what he said. IMDB board users continue to have zero tolerance for sarcasm.

Yeah! Lets go get sushi and not pay!


No, I think he's just an idiot. I went and looked at other posts. He's a racist...Bitching about how all of us white people are racists. Whatever.


not sure which post you read... but when I looked at his history I just saw a bunch of random joke comments and such. I stand by my statement.

Yeah! Lets go get sushi and not pay!


The guy that made the racist comment:

Damn shame your daddy didn't wear a rubber when he shot your sorry arse out.
