We loved that picture so much
I don't know who she is but that head shot makes her look like a Star Trek alien.
I miss her
Well then I'm sorry for your loss. But it's a little unusual they changed the headshot for someone whose last credit is 12 years ago.
Why isn't she a horror star? She doesn't even need makeup!
We love Liz
Liz lived with 50s star, James Dean. She was a dancer back then.
I doubt he touched her. Kenneth Anger says in Hollywood Babylon that he would hang out at gay S&M clubs in L.A. They called him "the human ashtray" coz he let guys put their cigarette butts out on his naked body.
Here's the old pic we all loved https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg4NDUyNzgyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTk4OTA0MQ@@._V1_.jpg