MovieChat Forums > Andrew Scott Discussion > WTF Is With Moriarty's Accent?

WTF Is With Moriarty's Accent?

It seems to wobble from quasi-British to sort-of Irish to mid-Atlantic, with an occasional lurch down to the antipodes.

Is he trying to create some kind of new accent for the English language that unites the entire commonwealth?


That's just how the Dublin accent sounds.


A Dublin accent can seem like a hybrid of a lot of things. Didn't see anything unusual about his accent at all. He sounds like my relatives who live in that region.


It's all the plums he's smuggling

Cardboard Box is the Future.


Not quite.

This is how the South Dublin accent sounds.

Central Dublin and North Dublin accents are very different.


He's Irish, but living in London I think? Maybe it's a hybrid after all these years?


For the longest while I thought I was picking up an American accent. Then I would hear his Irish accent sneak through when his emotions ran high or he was acting particularly like a nutter. Then I thought I could clearly hear his Irish accent, quite concisely. Then it seemed to waffle back and forth until I was fully convinced here's an Irishman who is trying very hard to do an American accent, and only succeeding about 70% of the time, with the rest bouncing between various other British accents too.

I've been binge watching all three series, and am on my third re-watching, and each time I pick up something new.

And I stepped on the ping pong ball!


Merrida i don't get why you think he'd be going for an american accent at all though.


I couldn't make if he had an Irish or American accent as Moriarty.

But the American accent I read is highly influenced by the Irish accent so perhaps it was an Irish accent he was doing.
