2020: Sanders has big lead, Zuckerberg the dark horse, McAuliffe dead last
Democrats might as well change their name to Socialist Party. Two commies in the lead. Mr Facebook #4.
shareThe Communist Party USA doesn't even bother putting up a candidate for president any more. They just tell their fellow communists to vote Democrat.
Imagine that, going from the party of Kennedy, who hated communism and was assassinated by a communist, to the party of Bernie Sanders, who chose to honeymoon in Moscow, back when it was the Soviet Union.
And yet, the Dems point at us and say we're the extremists.
As they move farther to the Left they wonder why they keep losing elections. Idiots!
Sanders was the mayor of Burlington Vt. Burlington entered the sister city program. Yaroslavl was Burlington's sister city...he honeymooned there for that reason. Do you conservatives ever tell the whole truth? LOL๐
I believe that is the official name of the party.
Communists and Socialists are not the same thing. I hope he runs!
shareBernie 2022
shareBiden is a clown. Go back and look at his debate against Paul Ryan for the VP spot in 2012. He was a terrible debater, and had to say things like Ryan was full of malarky ... he had no coherent points and no facts at his disposal.
Plus, Delaware is the penultimate corporate state. It is where all the big corporations in the US went to incorporate in order to dodge taxes ... Delaware is the Caman Islands of the United States.
Biden is an establishment hack, the male Hillary Clinton.
Sanders and Warren are both competent and real. Of the two I think Warren is smarter and better prepared. Look at the legislation she has put together, and her criticisms of Trump and the Republicans.
A mainstream Democratic candidate such as Biden are basically Republican light, like Clinton and Obama. A continuation of the status quo decline of this country and the average citizens.
Someone has got to make the point that the stock market is not a measure of this country's greatness.
And finally someone really has to education the American people on how our tax system works.
I am getting so cynical though that I would not be surprised that a whole narrative is being fleshed out again, where Sanders fails to get the nomination and then decides to this time, run third party, splitting the Democratic vote and allowing Trump to win again. After the fake election of Donald Trump and the engagement or the idiot class in the voting system nothing this country does at this point would surprise me.
โHe was a terrible debater, and had to say things like Ryan was full of malarky ... he had no coherent points and no facts at his disposal.โ
Substitute full of malarkey with libtard, retard or fuktard and youโve just described quite nearly all of the Trump supporters posting on his board. ๐ช
Itโs a terrifying thought that Bernie will be railroaded again out of the nomination because itโs alk too likely. I donโt think heโd run third party unless he really thought he could win. I donโt think he can win without fair coverage from the msm, which he is unlikely to get. Too many people still get their opinions from TV and newspapers.
I hope Iโm wrong.
> I donโt think heโd run third party unless he really thought he could win.
That is likely. Bernie took so much flack for not running third party, but I believe
that most of that was due to fake trolls online that were trying to assist the
Republicans by splitting the Democratic vote. The disinformation trolling/sock
puppet effort is massive and nothing to sneeze at.
Bernie did the responsible thing, more than should have been expected from
him, especially considering how he was treated.
Bernie was the first Presidential candidate that I ever felt represented or had a
chance to represent me, and I think he did a great job of threading the needle
between the moderates and progressives.
I can't take anything any Trump supporter says seriously, especially at this
point. The billionaire Libertarians like Mercer, Kochs, etc have set up a machine
that has deconstructed and figured out quite effectively how to undermine our
system and break it, and that is what they have done. They have bought tech
systems for manipulating social media to make it appear as if there are many
more, and more militant, right-wing nuts than there really are. It is really
almost Hitlerian.
If you are interested, I try to recommend a book to people who want to understand
what the goal and process of the Republicans is .... "The Wrecking Crew" by Thomas
Frank, and you can see exactly what he describes so well moving in real time in the
These reactionary Conservatives must break the government in order to remove all
representation of the people, i.e. democracy, from the government. They want to
defund the government ... like Rick Perry saying he wants to get rid of the Departments
of Education, Agriculture and Energy ... and he is not head of the DOE and doesn't
even know what it is or what it does.
They break the government, and then use their media connections and ownership to
blame government and turn people against government by making it incompetent,
where at least they have a say and some input - voting.
They do this by hiring incompetents and loyalists, and they are now all through the
government wreaking havoc and making people doubt and hate our system.
Another book that is interesting just came out by Michael Lewis called "The Fifth
Both authors, Thomas Frank and Michael Lewis have a lot of videos about their
books on You-Tube.
I checked out both Lewis and Frank on YouTube. Scary stuff and along the lines of Bernie talking about oligarchies.
shareI saw Bernie getting flack for endorsing Hillary as well, but he had to if he wanted to stay in the good graces of mainstream democrats.
He wouldnโt have won as a third party candidate but at least now he can try to run again, which wouldnโt have been the case if HRC had won.
Endorsing Hillary was the only sensible move for Bernie - not to mention the country, and anyone who slammed him for it was worse than clueless. There is no way he could have won as a third party candidate because he could not have gotten on the ballots of all the states. I'd vote for Bernie if he was 100 years old. But I also think Warren is even smarter and better informed than Bernie. Elizabeth Warren really knows what needs to be done, as does Bernie. Either one would be great, but they also need a sympathetic House and Senate.
shareDo you think Warren is aligned with corporate democrats in a way that Bernie isnโt?
shareI think they are both the same. You can tell by the fact that Bernie takes no corporate money, and when it comes to Warren the corporations have been attacking her and fighting her for years. Warren can get things done - she made the Consumer Protection Bureau ( not sure that is the right name ) and she also has legislation. She has talked about providing financial services to poor and working class Americans through a national bank. She is really wonderful, as is Bernie. I actually think Warren is a quicker thinker, but Bernie is more personable and has more name recognition. The recent Pocahontas nonsense shows that Warren gets more attacks, but I really do not know if she is vulnerable to that or it is just right-wing nuts that care about the nonsense charges. Warren has been very effective in just a few years though. The problem is that as much as we like to say we are nation of laws and not people, we are a nation of people, and so we need more than just two dynamic leaders. The Democrats have been very susceptable to being infiltrated by Republicans. Bill Clinton and Obama both were right wing enough that they would have been extreme Republicans in the 1970s.
We Americans really need to clean house, and there are just a few that we can trust to do it. It is going to take the people, and we are outgunned and outspent, so we need to not let it be about money, and we need a simple focused plan.
I'd love to hear that simple plan, I really would.
I'm far less familiar with Warren than I am with Bernie but if a scandal pops up I usually at least hear of it. The worst I've seen for Warren is the Pocahontas nonsense which she ended up coming out on top of. Trump called her a racist, which would have been hilarious if it hadn't been so infuriating. He dared her to take a DNA test, which I think she waited a while to do, but it only ended up proving that she had been telling the truth all of her life about having indigenous blood from this land mass.
Does Warren take corporate money?
As for Bernie's "scandals" - they usually go after his wife for her past position as president of a university that closed and some accusations that may or may not have been true. Other than that, it's just name calling, like you described Biden's debating skills, with no coherent points or facts. "He's a commie, he's crazy Bernie."
Maybe Bernie and Warren will end up running together. That would be nice.
One concern for me with Warren, because I don't understand it, is that in a recent interview she was asked what the difference is between her policy views and Bernie's. She said repeatedly "I believe in markets." First of all, some clarification for the rank and file would be nice, and secondly, is she suggesting that Bernie doesn't believe in markets, and if yes, what does that mean?? lol, but I'd really like to know.
Democrats aligned with corporations is even more sinister than blatant right wing policy. The Telecom Act of 96, the bank "bailout", ugh. How would our country be right now with HRC as president? Better or worse? I don't know. It seems pay to play democrats get away with so much, not just because the msm is for the most part, on their team, but also because they support legislation for marriage equality, pro-choice, equal rights, healthcare, etc. - things that make them look progressive. But meanwhile, they'll commit heinously selfish acts
cont. -
of greed and self service.
Excuse me, but are you suggesting that Zuckerberg would attempt a run for President?
I find the very thought of that ridiculous. He has no idea of what is going on with his
own company, and he is CEO. How could be possibly work as President?
With all the recent revelations of Zuck running Facebook like a blackops shop and hiring a propaganda firm to discredit the Senators trying to question him, I doubt he has much of a shot. No one trusts him.
shareHe belongs in prison, and his company should be both nationalized and broken up.
The directory function of Facebook is useful, and should be run as a private spin-off of the government to provide identification, authentication and even anonymization functions for government ID purposes.
We should be able to ID and vote through a secure computer interface, and even hold national referendums like BREXIT in real time - non-binding.
Instead of being used to manipulate the people, it should be put to use allowing us to find out who we are dealing with when we do business.
The social networking stuff could be handled by multiple private spin-offs so none is so big they can threaten the government or manipulate the whole country.
Pay attention! The thread was 2017.
shareFREE STUFF because... who TF wants to work.
share> who TF wants to work.
Certainly not Donald Trump.
TimMC ... Donald Trump, the King of stealing free stuff, and criminality - arch-Conservative Donald "f'n" Trump.
A millionaire at age 2. Sued close to 10,000 times. Steals and cons money from investors.
Tried to steal his father's money left as inheritance from his siblings. Had to be sued by his brothers and sisters and relinquish executor control of his father's estate and be put in his place.
Inherited the equivalent of over half a billion dollars when his father, who actually did work for his money, died.
What are you even talking about?
This is a pattern from all these arch-Conservative people who are interfering in our political system. The Koch brothers had a similar history. Inherited everything from John Birch society father, set up think tanks to study and deconstruct government. Use that money to fund candidates to remove and destroy power and influence from the people, i.e. the vote, democracy and union representation.
I know some guys in construction who worked for his contractors and never got paid because Trump used loopholes to slime out of paying. How many times did he do that? How many bankruptcies has he been behind? How many hard working people has he conned, used, and screwed over?
But heโs not a libtard commie! Whoops. I accidentally spelled comie to reflect how communist is actually spelled, which usually goes over the heads of the butts of my sarcasm, as does the actual meaning of the word communist.
It's not going to happen, Bernie is too old. We've had enough of baby boomers, they did an awful job and need to retire. Let someone else have a crack at it.