Bitch Puddin'

Haha no matter what mood I am in, soon as I see/hear her character on Robot Chicken I crack up :)


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She seems to think it's hilarious that the character is popular; whenever I've seen her asked about it, she gets the giggles.

Dave (The Werebeagle)
If that's my nose, why does it look like your thumb?


I would be happy if they did a full 30 minute special starring Bitch Pudding :) Or hell, even a 90 minute feature length movie!


I love the fact that she can do this part, God she is gorgeous, and talented I am a true fan now, reminds me of Regina King on Boondocks playing both brothers really talented women and diverse.


Cracks me up as well. Bitch Puddin doesn't take no smack from anyone and is awesome!
