MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > Amy Ryan on The Wire

Amy Ryan on The Wire

Why does no one here mention Amy's outstanding work in 2003 in the 2nd season of The Wire? That's the first place I ever saw her, and you could tell right from jump street she was something special.

I watched her in Win Win last night, and once again, she nearly steals the production, just like her work on The Office and in films as varied as Gone Baby Gone and Changeling.

Ryan is one of those people born to act. Like Meryl Streep and Sean Penn. She becomes her character.


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I think she is great but I question her range. Most of the characters I have seen her play are very likeable characters.


Have you seen Gone Baby Gone?


I second that. Gone baby gone is her best work imo. Holly flax (office) is my favorite character of hers though. Really a top notch actress. Came from broadway as well.


Watching season 2 nowadays. She's great.
