Why do people give a rat's ass what a bunch of jerkoffs on Twitter or Facebook think or say?
I can’t say that I care about what the jerkoffs think, but what I do care very much about is how the MSM is championing the trans people and silencing all who oppose or even dare to question them.
Do a google search on trans rights violating women’s rights and all you’ll get are trans rights articles. Women are being trampled upon.
“Why would the MSM do such a thing?” You may ask. It’s the perfect vehicle to strip away the rights of women.
Look at all the backwards, poverty stricken, oppressed nations in the world all throughout human history up to the present and you will see the men with their boots on the throats of the women.
Let the men rule the women and the men will be ever so easy to control and keep down.
All of this is the wheels of Totalitarianism in motion.
We should all be very afraid, even the trans people who are winning little battles at the moment while they are being used.