MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > I give her credit for standing her groun...

I give her credit for standing her ground on the issue.

be it Brexit (where I disagreed with her), or transgenderism (where I agree with her). Most people, normies and celebrities alike, fold like a cheap suit when the outrage mob comes for them, but not J.K.


Brexit lol. What a disaster!


What are you talking about? Great Britain is (almost) free of that sinking ship known as the E.U. and are again masters of their own destiny.


Why do you agree with her? Science has proven that gender dysphoria is real and that the best option for people affected by it is to change their gender via surgery.


I don't think Rowling would disagree that gender dysphoria, while relatively rare, is indeed real. What she's addressing are the social & scientific nuances that the most vehement trans activists don't want discussed. For the record, trans people should have all the rights & dignity & protections that anyone else has. But that doesn't mean that genuine questions can't be asked & considered—or worse, should never be allowed to be asked & considered. Life is simply more complex than that.


Gender dysphoria is merely a symptom of an underlying mental illness. If gender dysphoria were a problem on its one then when a tranny got a sex change everything would be fine, but the much higher suicide rate of trannies that have had the surgery proves that there is more mental problems within these freaks.


gender dysphoria is also mental illness. We shouldn't be encouraging mental illness


medical orgs do not classify it as such.


Gender dysphoria is listed in the DSM 5. In the previous four DSMs it was known as gender identity DISORDER. The slight change in language is due to pressure from activist groups and nothing else. Normal and psychologyically healthy people DO NOT suffer from gender dysphoria.

Classifying those with the condition as "fine" doesn't help things as somewhere around 40% have attempted suicide at some point (far exceeding the average for the population). If it wasn't a psychological disorder, radical procedures like gender re-assignment surgery would not be justified.


Its not an illness


"the best option for people affected by it is to change their gender via surgery"

That is where you are wrong. Surgery does little do reduce depression or suicidal tendencies in those with dysphoria. Accordingly, such a radical remedy should be discouraged.. Even after the surgery, a person is still "transgendered". They do not biologically become the opposite sex. A better solution (if it is even possible) should be sought. Additionally, male to female transgenders don't have ovaries and can't produce eggs, and female to male transgenders don't have tested and can't produce sperm (signature traits of each gender). That is where JK is right.


What J.K. is doing is a true act of bravery, I'll never understand people who call themselves 'revolutionaries' but revolt against the things already rejected in our society. The rich, white males, straight people, homophobia, racism, "TERFs", Karens, Nazis, fascists etc. Denouncing those is not what bravery is because the majority already agrees with you, so what are you chancing exactly?

J.K. has today been deemed a fascist by a Harry Potter cast member, which is horrible to say the least.

J.K. is acknowledging her core beliefs and refusing to stay silent on a highly important issue, we know there are others in Hollywood staying silent in fear of losing respect from their peers and fans. Stephen King likely agrees with her but buttoned up at last minute, it's unfortunate people are scared to say anything on this subject but can't exactly blame him. He's in his 70's and doesn't want to have to hire any bodyguards to protect him from being lynched by "activists", it's safer to just stick to calling Trump a racist on Twitter.


J.K. has today been deemed a fascist by a Harry Potter cast member, which is horrible to say the least.

Just another testament that actors are not their characters. However, I think those three little shits should be grateful to her, because she's the one who is responsible for them becoming rich and famous, and all they can do is dump on her when her beliefs don't line up with theirs.


What J.K. is doing is a true act of bravery, I'll never understand people who call themselves 'revolutionaries' but revolt against the things already rejected in our society. The rich, white males, straight people, homophobia, racism, "TERFs", Karens, Nazis, fascists etc. Denouncing those is not what bravery is because the majority already agrees with you, so what are you chancing exactly?

J.K. has today been deemed a fascist by a Harry Potter cast member, which is horrible to say the least.

J.K. is acknowledging her core beliefs and refusing to stay silent on a highly important issue, we know there are others in Hollywood staying silent in fear of losing respect from their peers and fans. Stephen King likely agrees with her but buttoned up at last minute, it's unfortunate people are scared to say anything on this subject but can't exactly blame him. He's in his 70's and doesn't want to have to hire any bodyguards to protect him from being lynched by "activists", it's safer to just stick to calling Trump a racist on Twitter.

Lewildplatypus, that was a very profound comment.

I agree with you. And the tragic irony is that the trans people are being used by those in power who wish to use them as a Trojan Horse in their fight for Totalitarianism/Facism.

The link is no longer available. Who called JK a fascist?


Thank you, it was a recent comment by actress Miriam Margolyes.


Thanks for the link. Those Harry Potter actors are just desperate to stay relevant.

In that same smear paper John Cleese is the voice of reason: in which they call Rowling’s sensitive and gentle essay an “anti trans tirade.”

As you’ve said, it was anything but as she specifically stated that she was not anti trans at all.

Those guys are such bullies towards women, it really irks me.

They call her essay “dense,” and only cite responses from the pro trans side, but the cherry on top is this from some trans blue check mark on Twitter: “JKR included, feel the right to dictate our lives to us and wield legal power over our genders.“

Haha! That’s exactly what my feminist friends say the trans people are doing to them. Seems like the trans people feel the entitlement to decide how things should be which is in their favor, but actual women don’t get a say. Sad.


I'm glad someone with a worldwide forum and fuck-you money is standing up against some of the loopier stuff being done in the name of Trans Rights, because although I support the right of anyone to live as they please and call themselves what they want, and to demand common courtesy, civil rights, and physical safety like any other person...

I do NOT support sending straight male sex offenders to women's prisons, or pressuring any public figure or organization to stop using the word "women" to refer to women, or threatening or assaulting women who stands up for women's rights or their own right to be lesbians out for pussy, or subjecting children to life-altering or dangerous medical procedures whose consequences they do not understand. And yes, all this stuff is actually happening, in the name of Trans Rights and throwing the feelings of women under the bus in the name of protecting the feelings of transwomen.


But don’t you know Otter? They are actually lesbians who put their penises into vaginas because that’s what lesbians do: they put their penises into vaginas. All true lesbians have penises with which to put into vaginas.


If she didn't have any convictions she never would have become an author. She came from lower class as a single mother struggling day to day, she worked her way up in society by chance and hard work but when it all comes down to it, she could have stayed poor but she still would have written those books because they meant something to her personally. Now that being said, I find it disgusting we live in a society where some mental illnesses are being celebrated as something brave and unique, and even encouraged all due to a mob mentality. I find it disgusting that stating a simple truth can damage your reputation and invite a mob of confused ignorant or self serving groups to attack you without repercussions. JK Rowling, I salute you.


What she said is right. F the mob. Why do people give a rat's ass what a bunch of jerkoffs on Twitter or Facebook think or say?


Why do people give a rat's ass what a bunch of jerkoffs on Twitter or Facebook think or say?

I can’t say that I care about what the jerkoffs think, but what I do care very much about is how the MSM is championing the trans people and silencing all who oppose or even dare to question them.

Do a google search on trans rights violating women’s rights and all you’ll get are trans rights articles. Women are being trampled upon.

“Why would the MSM do such a thing?” You may ask. It’s the perfect vehicle to strip away the rights of women.

Look at all the backwards, poverty stricken, oppressed nations in the world all throughout human history up to the present and you will see the men with their boots on the throats of the women.

Let the men rule the women and the men will be ever so easy to control and keep down.

All of this is the wheels of Totalitarianism in motion.

We should all be very afraid, even the trans people who are winning little battles at the moment while they are being used.
