How many artists on Spotify you think use the n-word?
Gotta be dozens of songs, no?
shareWhat is your point? Because you sound like some white person pissed off because you can't do a Rogan...
shareJesus H. Christ, everything is "rACiSm!" with you nutjobs. You truly have no other card to play. You just go right to it. It's your blind spot.
shareAgain, what is your point? It is a simple question.
shareWhy can it be used in music but not in a podcast? That is the OP's point
shareNo, I think it is another whine of a white person claiming " if they can use it, why can' t I." Sadly, if people can't understand it comes down to who is using the word and in what context it is being used, then I doubt they will figure out the larger picture and what it means to just casually toss it around - especially for a white person.
shareFunny that the montage of Joe Rogan everyone is so mad about shows no context at all huh
shareAre you for real? What it shows is a white male throwing around the word left and right in a flippant way and as if he is entitled to do so. And it may have been much different if it had just been once or twice and while discussing some legitimate topic with sincere guests.
And just wait....I bet all the times he said the female C-word is next....(if he has).
How much do you think this guy has talked on his podcast? We're talking thousands of hours worth of him talking. He is a comedian and that world's way of speech is a lot different than normal people's. Secondly, he's had plenty of "sincere guests" and "legitimate topics" that would cover the use of the word.
shareSo you are saying certain words cannot be spoken at all. Why?
What if your doing a study on them, debating there use.
He didn't call anyone n****r or a cunt (yes they are words in the english dictionary and so can be used) they were discussing the word itself and it's use. Nothing wrong with that and certainly isn't racist in any way shape or form. Not that you will agree of course.
What I was suggesting was that context and who is uttering the word do matter. A couple of white guys sitting around blabbering about whatever and feeling it is okay for them to throw the word around any way they see fit probably doesn't meet the context part.
What I think this comes down to white hubris - where white people feel they can say anything they want without any sort of repercussion, with a failure to fully understand the unique power of this word.
I do not get what white people do not get about the complexity of this word, nor appreciate the full meaning of the word and how broad that is. And I think one reason for that is that white people don't have a word like that about themselves with the same power and reaction.
A couple of white guys sitting around blabbering about whatever and feeling it is okay for them to throw the word around any way they see fit probably doesn't meet the context part.
What I think this comes down to white hubris - where white people feel they can say anything they want without any sort of repercussion, with a failure to fully understand the unique power of this word.
I do not get what white people
And I think one reason for that is that white people don't have a word like that about themselves with the same power and reaction.
I'm about done with any sort of debate with you because you are practicing the infantile method of trying to "win" an argument by insults and wild conjectures rather than discussing a topic.
If you want to ask me something, then ask it - don't try to make the point with a slur or some sort of statement that has the main purpose only to inflame.
From what you have written, I seriously doubt there is anything I can type to encourage you to look at this topic outside of white eyes.
Now, if you want to continue, ask the appropriate question without the diatribes. That is what mature and courteous adults do.
As for racism, I believe ANY person can be racist - not just people with white skin. Secondly, of words in language, I can't think of any other word with the all-around power of the word that is up for discussion. Not one. The only one I think that comes close is that of the female C word. Now is it not interesting why there is not such a word for whites and especially white males? Have you ever asked yourself why that is?
Next, two white males sitting around discussing a word such as this while boozing it up and getting high is probably not the best environment. And not only that, to toss the word around so casually.
Then, you have Rogan's "Planet of the Apes" 'joke.'
Here is a very short (five minutes) clip from Youtube of Te-Nehisi Coates discussing why every word does not belong to everyone. It is a very insightful piece on language and words. I doubt you will watch it, but it is very compelling....
"win" an argument by insults
ask the appropriate question
Next, two white males sitting around discussing a word such as this while boozing it up and getting high is probably not the best environment
Te-Nehisi Coates
Well, that is it - I'm done with you. Your last reply clearly shows you are not responsive to trying to see something from the eyes of another.
No, you are not debating - you are "debasing" by use of inflammatory and ignorant comments meant to only incite.
you are "debasing" by use of inflammatory and ignorant comments meant to only incite.
Joe was using it in context of the topic. For instance he was in one instance discussing a Richard Pryor album name and how it was even possible. He said the album name. See? Context means everything. Joe himself even said that he realized many years ago that even when used in context and not with hate, it was still not cool to use the word. He stopped a long time ago and never used the word toward anyone.
It should be obvious to everyone given the timing what this is all about. The removal of any context in the video is a HUGE clue too.
You're the one who doesn's understand. No such thing as rules for one group that don't apply to everyone. That's called RACISM!
sharenot true.
thats more than an "oversimplification" thats a deliberate unwillingness to see the facts to further your white agenda.
the N word is just one example:
White people can no longer use the word n*****r , black people can if they want .
That is the accepted wisdom by all except the far right KKK types.
"That is the accepted wisdom by all except the far right KKK types."
Do you hear yourself?
Only intellectual morons say "accepted wisdom".
shareI made a post a few days ago about this, but spelled out the word used in thousands of cRap songs. Mods deleted it.
shareIf you can get a few others to simply report any comment it will get deleted whether it has anything truly offensive in it or not. You don't actually think the site has enough manpower to really moderate with human eyes do you? Throw down enough report and you could get them to delete a post saying "have a nice day".
shareHis using the N-word isn't the real issue the leftists have with him. The fact that Spotify has now removed over a hundred of his podcasts that didn't even have the N-word in them should highlight that there is more behind the attempt to remove him than the N-word.
If simply uttering the N-word in the past was the real offense that tweaking the leftists then you would have them marching with pitchforks again Justin Bieber and Eminem too as they have both committed that terrible inexcusable utterance of the N-word and it has been highlighted by the media in the past but no one seemed to give a shit.
Joe apologizing is why they now give a shit. When you start apologizing, you are admitting guilt (even if you've done nothing wrong) - and then the pitchforks come out. Joe is either an idiot, or was blackmailed.
shareNo, Bieber apologized when he was called and they left him alone. With Rogan it wouldn't matter if he apologized or not they were still going to go after him because his using the n-word was never really what this was about. That was just another weapon they picked up to use against him because he isn't slurping their kool-aid and sticking with the leftist agenda.
shareOh? Bieber is still apologizing - lol
Bieber is on the perpetual apology tour - now.... why would he keep apologizing, if they stopped going after him? Hmmm....
Hundreds of rap songs.
shareI thank RNG Jesus every day that I wasn't born White. Just imagining what they have to go through must be exhausting if not insufferable. You think it's hard being black in a white man's world? Try being a white person who feels bad about you being black in a white man's world.