One person will never bring down the mighty Church
I was really willing to give Scientology a pass for many years. I believe we all need to find whatever works for us, and it's our personal business. We all have our own groove and our own music. It's no one's business.
But when I learned about the hardball tactics and strong arm techniques, threatening families, reporting on others, these attack dog style tactics to dig things up on anyone they personally, their personal opinion,...says anything negative about the Church, is when I started drawing the line.
I'm Roman Catholic, and we have our own sordid past and history, much of it pretty recent with the abuse issues. But as Leah pointed out, no other single "religion" would go out of their way to attack and get involved with people who left or tried to leave the flock. This is unique to Scientology.
I can see now how people like Tom Cruise are too entrenched to ever get out. CoS has everything, quite literally, on all their members, (but I wonder if David Miscavage gets audited and who does it?). It's no one's business what ever got revealed in those private sessions, not now or ever.
But the tactics used are appalling and gut wrenching.
And I stepped on the ping pong ball!