...they would say and do nothing when someone leaves. Think about it, if someone exits the "church" and they say nothing, or make a polite comment ("We're sorry to see Mr. X go."), the people leaving would look like they have "sour grapes". But, because they throw a fit and besmirch them, those speaking out get the support of the public. It's just a thought. :)
Cult definition: 1 a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. 2 a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister 3 a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.Definition 1: All religions are cults regardless of whether you like them or not.
Definition 2: Any group other than Christianity or Islam could be a cult, as the definition fails to explain what "relatively small group" means.
Definition 3: Any non-religious group you personally don't like is a cult, such as political parties and special interest groups.
That is true - Islam and Christianity did start off as being cults, until their numbers and power grew enough to displace the existing systems of belief.
Cults are like viruses - they start off as being vile, deadly - but over time, if successful in overcoming resistances, they spread with a lot more ease, but lose some of their worst aspects.
For anyone interested, scientology is shrinking fast - so it doesn't look like this virus will succeed and it is more likely to go extinct after some time.
There's a big difference in the use of the term cult there.
Islam was a military cult whose leader was a military general trying to develop a totalitarian system to control it's followers completely and take over the world.
Christians were hunted, tortured and killed, fed to the lions for believing in love and peace.