MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > If she was the one dumb enough to fall f...

If she was the one dumb enough to fall for Scientology for so many years

...why do WE have to keep hearing about it?

Seriously, she's like a broken record. Every time I see or hear her now, she's just yapping about that.

It's nothing but a nonsense cult - OK, so? We all knew that already.

I'm glad she finally figured it out and got out but, as I said, I feel like she's lecturing everyone who already knew it was a hoax long before she did.


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Why are you dumb enough to post a comment about it? Why do WE have to subjected to your whining about Leah?

Seriously, you and your trolling ilk appear on this board like clockwork. Every time Leah speaks out against Scientology's abuses, you crawl out from under a rock to deliver a condemnation every damn time.

Leah is talking about her former cult and you can't stand it. Yeah, we get it.

I know you have freedom of speech but, as I said, I feel like you're wasting your breath on trying to dismiss a topic that many are willing to talk/read about.


It's remarkable how ignorant some people are.


She was brought in by her parents when she was a young child. She didn't know any better.


I think we just found a Scientologist!

They paying you to get online and complain about her?
You SeaOrg?

One of the few that that they let use the internet?

Strange that your complaint is that she is complaining!


why are people saying terrible things about her? what she is doing is great. she is bringing AWARENESS to something people rapidly dismiss as a "Crazy cult" and never talk about again. yet there are people who are falling prey to cults everyday. maybe not the scientology cult per se, but other cults.

by bringing awareness and being outspoken about scientology, and consequently, about cults in general, she may prevent a vulnerable and too-trusting person from being prey to a cult. awareness is key.

what she is doing is pretty admirable and it's very irritating when people make dense remarks like "people who end up in cults are dumb lolz"
becoming part of a cult does not have much to do with intelligence, but with emotions, relationships, self esteem etc... issues many intelligent people struggle with as well as "dumb" people.


Freedom of speech doesn't apply here. IMDB can delete any post they choose to. This is a private entity.


I completely agree. It's about tapping into emotions, primarily fear. The members aren't to blame. Like they say, "Hate the game, not the player." Most truly believe that what they're doing is for the best of all. The flip side of that is that they're fined and punished with corporal punishment for noncompliance.

CoS has them coming and going, total control. It's emotional fishing....

And I stepped on the ping pong ball!
