MovieChat Forums > King Charles III Discussion > Prince Charles testing positive has a bi...

Prince Charles testing positive has a big upside...

Okay, he got tested when he didn't have enough symptoms to meet the official criteria for testing, and some people are angry about that. But the fact that he tested positive without meeting the official list of symptoms necessary for testing... proves that the official criteria for testing aren't accurate enough! Thank you, Charles's Doctor!

Frankly, the biggest thing we can do to slow the spread of the virus is massively expand testing, ideally test absolutely everyone in the world at once, or test everyone who is at risk, or who has symptoms that might possibly be CV. Right now we're just getting data on people who have a certain level of symptoms, but they aren't the only people who actually have the virus... and our epidemiology database is hugely incomplete as a result. So along with making more masks, gowns, and ventilator, that ought to be a national priority, a worldwide priority. Like, shut down all the wars, turn the weapons factories into N95 mask factories, employ all the soldiers there kind of priority.


Numerous laboratory studies using scientific methodology have found that masks are ineffective at either containing or repelling viruses. Even the disclaimers written in small print on mask packaging and advertising state that they don't work. Masks have become an ideological icon, but are not of any actual medical use to the public. To insist on mask wearing is a science-denying political statement.


This is where having my computer die becomes so frustrating - my phone doesn't copy links worth a damn so I can't post a link to studies proving the effectiveness of masks and comparing the effectiveness of various kinds!

Not to convince the troll, who has obviously been paid by the Four Horsemen or whatever mysterious Dark Forces want to make the pandemic worse, but to prove to everyone else that masks, handwashing, and social distancing are the patriotic thing to do, the way to take Personal Respinsibility for fighting the pandemic. Remember, THERE IS NO CURE, THERE IS ONLY PREVENTION.
