I think you said it. Being too judgy and I think that all people are hypocrites though many try not to be. I think it was Byron who said (paraphrasing) that there is wisdom in (any given) religion and that in the different religions, or spiritual beliefs there are people who are sincere and genuine, and I believe that is true.
I think that one of the big problems in America, I do not think Europe has this problem at least not as much anymore, is that people are too convinced that the way they think is the only way and condemn those who are not of the same belief. There are two camps mostly, one says that you are free to think what you want and should think what you want and the other is you have to think like I do. I have gotten into several fights, and I mean fights because some ignoramus has sho9t off his or her mouth condemning someone else's when they do not even follow their own the way it is written and have absolutely no idea what a person actually does believe and only projects what they think or what they want the other person to. I do not know if they makes any sense.
In an analogy kind of situation, I am from the Northeastern US and I moved to the South, the real Bible Belt. I cannot even count the number of times that someone, usually some idiot guy, tried to pick a fight with me simply because I was from the North. No other reason, I did not insult them or offend them or hurt them in any manner, it was just because I was a "Yankee" and I use to correct them and tell them I was a "Bloody Damn Yankee" and not to forget it. Needless to say these same people also thought they had a corner on the market when it came to "God's love" which I always thought was *beep* I was also a Presbyterian surrounded by Southern Baptists and I never did Southern Baptists very well. However, there were those who were very nice and accepting. I swear, I never met a bigger bunch of uptight, repressive, judgy, elitist young adults in my life. I am talking major religious problems.
I think that anything that is taken to any extreme is dangerous and it hurts a lot of people and is destructive. If it is not helping humanity or bringing us together and leaving things better for the future generations, then it is very destructive. Scientology was dreamed up by a man who was a very good science fiction writer and turned it into a religion. Others are just as bad.