MovieChat Forums > Chris Pratt Discussion > no longer religious

That's not exactly what he said, but it does seem they got to him, which is unfortunate.


who are they?


The social media nuts and the powers-that-be in Hollywood.

It seems like he's trying to defend his faith by playing it down and I see no reason why he should. All that criticism he received was absolute nonsense.


100% agree.

He needs to remember that the Bible says to stand firm in times of persecution.


I'm completely unreligious myself, but I've never heard this man say anything he needs to apologize for on that subject. Some people just assumed he belonged to a church that condemned homosexuality and demanded a renunciation without even bothering to ask him if that was true.

The same goes for him being glad his daughter was born healthy. The social media trolls are insane.


He continues to work and has loads of work ahead of him.


Living well is the best revenge.


The men with little hats.


but who are they?


Berg, Baum, Stein....every single time


the jews? i knew it!!


This quote doesn't exactly say what you say he said:

"I think there’s a distinction between being religious — adhering to the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God — and using it to control people, to take money from people, to abuse children, to steal land, to justify hatred."


“Religion has been oppressive as f–k for a long time. I didn’t know that I would kind of become the face of religion when really I’m not a religious person.”


Right. And how does he define religion in the rest of his quote?

He defines it as "the customs created by man, oftentimes appropriating the awe reserved for who I believe is a very real God."

You said in your OP that he "unfound Jesus." Can you provide a quote where he says he longer believes in Jesus Christ?


If he's not religious, i would assume he does not believe in Jesus or L.Ron Hubbard.


A lot of Christians say they're not "religious." In fact, there's a common phrase in evangelical Christianity that goes: "It's not religion, it's relationship."

They want to differentiate the dead religion of superficial rituals and observances from a living personal relationship with Jesus.


I think your leap on him not believing in Jesus goes too far. I think he should be commended for expressing more nuance on religion. Nuance shows humility and willingness to compromise. American pluralism requires an intentional effort by religious people to look beyond their own experiences when engaging those of different faiths and cultures. This is the principle I’m seeing in Pratt’s comments on religion in the interview. I’m not seeing Simon Peter denying Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.


Did he really say that? Its very profound actually and I get it. Hes a pretty deep thinker. I agree with what he says.


It's a direct quote from all the many articles that have been written about this at this point.

I think there's certainly truth in the statement.


Bullshit. He attended a church which condemns gay people. Either he supports it or he doesn't. The coward needs to get off the fence and address this. Either condemn it or embrace it. No one's buying this straddling act.


Does the church "condemn gay people" or does it state what the Bible clearly states, which is that the practice of homosexuality is a sin? Because these are two different things.

This is not just semantics, either. Because it's one thing to persecute a person for even feeling sexual desire for a member of the same sex. It's another to say, "We understand that you feel this desire, but God teaches that the desire should remain unfulfilled."

I agree though that Pratt should be more direct regarding what he believes. If he follows Christ and believes the Bible to be the word of God, then say so proudly.


Leviticus clearly states that homosexuals must be put to death. But of course few churches espouse that now.

The Bible also regards homosexuality as a sin which anyone can commit - not an inherent identity.

The church forbids a member to love or have sex with their same sex. That's "persecution" by itself. The church is homophobic. Lets not dance around it.

I can respect a man who is honest and forthright about his beliefs - whether he believes homosexuality is wrong or not.

But this guy is a coward. He knows gays have power in the film industry so he's playing dumb.


Regarding the laws of Leviticus, you have to understand the difference between the Old Covenant and New Covenant, as well as what's binding on Jews and what's binding on Gentiles.

If the Bible "homophobic"? I don't think anything in the Bible has to do with a fear of gay people. There is, however, teaching on God's intentional design for human sexuality, and same-sex partnership is not part of that design.

But as I say, I agree that Pratt should be make it clear where he stands. I don't like the subtlety either.


Phobic means having "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something."

It's safe to say many heterosexuals in our society have an extreme aversion to homosexuality. That doesn't mean they're afraid of male ballet dancers.

Pratt's church accepts gay members but requires them not to have sex or love someone of the same sex. If that's not homophobic, I don't know what is.

Is it any of my business who you have sex with?


Well if someone is a Christian then it's important that they actually adhere to the the truths expounded in the Bible.

Should a church say, "Well, we don't give a shit what the Bible says, even though we're a Christian church. We're going to throw all that out and just follow the ways of the world instead"?

You ask, "Is it any of my business who you have sex with?" It's not like we're talking about legislation here; we're talking about how the church deals with its own members. If you're going to be a member of a club, then there's an implicit agreement to follow the rules of that club. Especially the major rules. If you don't want to do that, then go find another club to join. It's not like anyone is forced to be a member of that church.

Also you have to remember that Christians believe that the Bible is the literal word of God--who is the Grand Architect of the Universe, the eternal one who made the world and everything in it. Should Christians then offend God by ignoring His truths so as not to upset random humans who are in active rebellion against Him?




Using this argument, the Muslim religion condemns gays. Shall there be an uproar there against Muslim actors??? What about Chinese actors? Their country condemns gays AND Muslims. Where's the uproar against them?

It's all a bunch of hypocrisy from Twitter and the far left.


The Bible condemns homosexuality. But many Christian churches do not. The issue is with the one church he attends. If he doesn't hate gays he can attend another church.


He personally has never said anything disparaging against anyone, and being a Hollywood actor I'm fairly certain he's been around gays quite a bit.

Will you come down on a Muslim actor whose mosque condemns homosexuality and abortion? I can put together a list if you'd like to form a lynch mob to go on Twitter and start telling them to change mosques.


If Pratt had the balls to say he thinks homosexuality is a sin, I'd say, okay, you're entitled to your beliefs. But he's not saying that, yet he attends a church which preaches that. I just want him to get off the fence.


You're avoiding the question.... Will you come down on a Muslim actor whose mosque condemns homosexuality and abortion? Will you come down on a Chinese actress because of what her country does to minorities?

Just because someone is famous doesn't mean they owe anyone an explanation of their beliefs. Why do you care so much? Do you care if Tom Cruise is really gay? Should he get off the fence? Does anyone ask Julia Roberts about her beliefs? Who. Cares?

"If Pratt had the balls to say he thinks homosexuality is a sin, I'd say, okay, you're entitled to your beliefs." C'mon, you wouldn't say that. You would condemn him even more than you are right now with just an assumption based on a slight association.


Okay, fair point. Yes, if Pratt had the balls to say "faggots will burn in hell", I'd condemn the fuck outta him.

But it's still worse and cowardly if he believes that, but doesn't say it, to protect his career.


So you're saying that he should proclaim EVERYTHING he thinks is a sin, or you're cherry picking. There are many different sins. Should he come out in public and proclaim that adultery is a sin? How about coveting? Envy? Gluttony? Sloth? Taking the Lord's name in vain? I'm pretty sure his church isn't in favor of those. Why do you think he needs to publicly proclaim his belief on just the one?


You seem to be taking the tack that all men are sinners so we have no right to condemn others if we're not perfect.

But there's a difference between a human failing which we are all prone to commit, like envy or gluttony or sloth, and condemning a group of people, i.e. homos, because we put our dick in a hole he doesn't like. What does that have to do with ethical treatment of others?

Sorry, that's fundamental and means that his church doesn't know jack shit about anything. They're not trustworthy. Leave that church or don't expect a gay director to hire you. And that's what this conniving POS is really worried about.


I agree. It's obvious that Hollywood has a special hatred for Christianity.

Why that is could be an interesting discussion unto itself, but for whatever reason they love to pander to other groups that hold positions and do things that, by their own standards, are very oppressive, certainly far more oppressive than anything that comes from Christianity. In Muslim countries you are very likely to get thrown off the top of a building if you're gay.


Only because that's how you want to frame it. We can only take on one hurdle at a time and pick our battles, and right now we are battling our own domestic terrorists, not the whole world.


Who is 'we' and who are "the domestic terrorists"? Can you elaborate?


Why would we need to go after one homophobic group at a time? Can’t we just condemn homophobia in general? And how would this even work? Like, we make sure all Christians around the world stop being homophobic, then we can address Islam?


Sounds like he's one of those spiritual but not religious people. Maybe he just doesn't like religious doctrine.


You may be right. Though it sounds like it may be man-made ritual that he doesn't like rather than the teachings of the Bible.


Could be something like that. He doesn't seem to have a lot of faith in organized religion but that doesn't mean he doesn't have some faith.


Literally not what he said, or what the article says. Of course he's still religious.


not exactly a resounding endorsement.
