MovieChat Forums > Chris Pratt Discussion > Maybe a bit stuck up?

Maybe a bit stuck up?

I don't know him personally and I might be wrong but in his Fb profile he says when he was at a young age he met a very famous actor don't remember his name and that actor was very good to him (Chris was his fan) and he states that he wants to do what that actor did for him and be there for all of us (his fans). But I kinda get the vibe he isn't so open as he likes to think he is, he gives me a vibe of stuck up, you know the guy who finally hit it big with a big movie and now he is ignoring every "small" unknown person. This is just what I get, he never offended me in any way, I'm just I the only one who thinks that?


No, I feel the opposite. He still seems like the funny, down to earth guy he was before his success and it's nice to see that he hasn't let it all go to his head.

 Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough 


Just watched a video on Facebook...James Gunn with the cast and crew of the wrap of GG2...he gave a warm thank you to Chris and he in turn thanked the crew and Mr. Gunn..sounds like it was a great experience making the second movie.


You may be on to something. It doesn't sound like the most genuine thing to say. Why say it? Might be blowing smoke up his own ass. Dunno


I live near Seattle; he and Anna have a house close by and frequently come into the city and do things for the children's hospital regularly. He's on the level. What you see on tv is exactly how he acts in real life. He walks around town like he's just one of the guys and is extremely patient with people on the streets. Probably a little too patient. lol. He recently went to Seahawks game. He could have had side-line seats but was sitting many rows back with all of the rest of the fans and loved it.


That's awesome. Thanks for sharing!
