MovieChat Forums > Chris Pratt Discussion > Anna and Chris's dog found homeless, ema...

Anna and Chris's dog found homeless, emaciated and wandering the streets

Their adopted microchipped chihuahua was found wandering the streets and emaciated. The rescue group had tried to get in touch with Anna constantly and received no response. She never reached out to them or the micro chip company.

First Chris Pratt gives away their cat on twitter, now this!!!! F- them!!!!


i can't believe how scum like this can be marketed via their perceived 'likeability' but really be the most unlikeable filth there is.


wow, hate them both now! Thanks for posting this so others can be aware. This is pathetic. I didn't know he gave his cat away on twitter too, what an a$$hole.


maybe theres, you know, more to the story?? just maybe?

I love how idiots jump to conclusions based on their first, superficial emotional reaction.

Laura:You left a dead prostitute buried alone in the desert?
Kyle:She's not alone.


People think they're soooo much better than the Salem witch hunting days, they're not. So many times people jumped into a mob mentality lynching party within recent history, check into the Michael Jackson case, the me too movement, and the witch hunt in the 80s where they imprisoned for decades innocent parents for pedophilia accusations.


This is the first news I have read about the Pratt's animals, which sounds like a shameless situation.

However, what proof is there that the information given is accurate from the sources that have provided it? These days people tend to believe almost anything posted on the Internet and seldom stop to ask basic questions.

Laws in America tend to be very strict about animal cruelty - no matter who owns an animal - and seldom stop in holding the most celebrated individuals responsible for bad and/or illegal behavior. From what I have observed, famous people are often made "an example" of neglect or harm to animals. Let's not forget the animal' rights people who are always flaming emotionally to take down others whom they "presume" to be harming them, even without genuine proof.

The three things I know about the Chris and Anna Pratt is that they grew up a few dozen miles from where I live in the Puget Sound; that they are faithful supporters of Seattle sports teams, and that they seem like wholesome, loving people to each other, their son, their friend, and their commitments. In the third example, their public behavior always appears to match their words, which are normally very positive.

So, the other side of this is that someone has said that their dog was found lost, in terrible condition, that their ownership was proven because of a chip, and that they have been unresponsive. And we know this is all true because "they (?) said". And because each one of these details is supposedly true, the Pratts are guilty and need to be exposed, punished, and - obviously - reviled and hated.

In our area and, from what I remember of living in LA County, people take animal cruelty extremely seriously: it makes the news at many levels, people cannot ignore commands to respond because they would be charged, questioned, and sometimes arrested and then, possibly convicted with fines and/or jail time. The ASPCA or like organizations would take all of the time necessary "to education others" and "to ensure that bad behavior is stopped" Anyone as famous as the Pratts would make the front page of many papers. It would follow them and their friends - Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, and perhaps Ellen - would be asking on TV. It would not go away.

None of this is to deny it may have happened to someone's dog or theirs. When accusations like the PO's are made anonymously on the Internet and no sources are provided about who "they" are saying these things, I always wonder if the OP is repeating something that s/he read someplace that seemed awful and that s/he wanted to share. If this was cited online: provide the url and direct people there.

So, is this another example of the ancient game of "Gossip" because "they" can say anything? Without proof, logic suggests asking several questions, checking facts, looking at the behavior of the people involved, and not leaping to conclusions. Fact checking is something we are going to live with for a long time now due to the recent election.

Would we want to be judged as quickly on what "they said"? Having been on the receiving end of harsh judgement with no facts taken, I can tell you that I would never wish my worst enemy to experience the situation. It is a mire that is almost impossible to exit with your self esteem and reputation intact.

Just saying . . . . there are obvious sides to every story and often people take the first side shown to them without looking at others.

A Checkered Life speaks of myriad diverse adventures being the rewards of endless curiosity.


Tl, dr

But the shelter payed it on their site to call them out. They ignored their calls!!! So they posted their public response. It's true, don't defend them due to celebrity worship, they conned ya!


What I asked for, LCJ, was proof such as the URL link to this shelter.

I have not adoration for any celebrities, but I do have a great appreciation of people who do not make statements about anyone without providing some type of evidence by which people have a bona fide source that demonstrates something is real.

My several paragraphs above said this same thing many times. What shelter? Name? Location? Something more than it was an article on the Internet full of innuendo. Don't you understand that gossip, slander, and anonymous statements on the Internet are poisonous and multiplying faster than the flu in season?

If you are committed to saying the Pratts did this terrible thing to their animal/s, then provide proof. Or, provide at least the original article that you read that said this is true. Too many people are having the lives harmed by people that use "they said", "she said", or "he said".

If you had to have your life injured because of lies like I have with this cowardly type of behavior, you might be kinder when someone asks for the simple evidence: who, what, when, where, how, and occasionally why.

The only person that I worship is Jesus Christ and he was crucified by people who did not have time to ask any of those questions because they wanted Barabbas - a known killer - set free.

And since I do not know the Pratts, there is no danger that they conned me. If you have no proof, no evidence other than that you read someone somewhere said something happened, then there is nothing more to chat about. Have a great 2017.

A Checkered Life speaks of myriad diverse adventures being the rewards of endless curiosity.


I heard about from The Daily Mail who posted the Facebook message from the shelter where Anna got the dog. The shelter then deleted it.


With the chihuahua, it may be that they had the bad judgment to give the rescue dog away to the wrong people. But Chris' own words about the twitter cat giveaway make him seem pretty awful.
