gorgeous teeth

everytime she has scenes on Once Upon A Time, i can only stare at her teeth. they are perfect! haha


They are the most perfect set of chompers I've ever seen.


For an ex-smoker she does have perfect teeth! Must...learn....secret....
Then again....she is perfect everywhere lol


Well, she does have money so most likely gets them profesionally whitened. Even if you're a smoker(which as My Queen said, she's not anymore) you can have white teeth if you can get them profesionally whitened, only because I don't think the store bought kids would work in this scenario. Smoking(cigarettes) doesn't ruin your teeth, just yellows them. Seeing as I don't know her personally(no matter how much I wish I did), I'm just guessing here, but she could have had braces as a kid, or she's just one damn lucky woman and had perfect teeth as a kid as some people do. Either way, she's gorgeous period!

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