Molly Parker

Recently has looked film " Center of the World, The ".
I am fascinated with game of actress Molly Parker... In my opinion, actress Mary Louise Parker - the BEST ACTRESS of the WORLD!!!


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i have to tell someone this. im telling you, velotour. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE MOLLY.Molly is the greatest.



I completely agree, Don. She is the sole reason I watch Deadwood every week. Hands down one of the most striking women in film and television. My heart practically skips every time she's on tv. I can't wait to see more of her in the future.


I went to the same high school as her. I was in her brothers grade. If memory serves her middle name is Moon. Molly Moon Parker. Both her and her brother have always been quite attractive...good genes in the family. She has looked exactly the same since high school..maybe no more eighties hair though.
And just so there is no confusion I never socialized or hung out with either her or her brother. I only know of them in is a very small town where we all grew up.


Dear Blue Vanilla,
Thank You!
Your information very interesting to me...
I have found name Mary Louise Parker on the Internet (not the American actress
Mary-Louise Parker, of course ). Unfortunately, I cannot specify the exact address of the reference where this information is.
Here example of "reliability" of the information on the Internet :
1.Date of birth (location)-Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
2. "New York Times" (
Molly Parker was born in Pitt Meadows, British Columbia ( a town just outside Vancouver)...
But Maple Ridge is on the east!!! from Pitt Meadows (both towns are on northern coast Fraser River)
With compliments! Vitaliy ( aka velotour )


Pitt Meadows is the small town. Maple Ridge is the next "bigger" neighbouring town. They have sort of merged into one big town over the years so now the two are intertwined so to speak but she would have been actually born in Maple Ridge if it was out here. We are about 45 min outside of Vancouver. Yes they are right on the Fraser. It actually runs thorugh the back of the town.


Dear Blue Vanilla,
It is very pleasant to receive such detailed and exact information first-hand. In fact we (in Ukraine) do not have the books telling about a life and creativity of a magnificent and fantastic actress Molly Parker.
Once again - thanks!!!


The reason Molly (and I can call her Molly, having shared my boyfriend in every senior play produced in PMSS)is listed as being born in Maple Ridge is that is where the hospital is. Pitt never did have a hospital. Her birth certificate like all locals would read Maple Ridge dispite having lived in Pitt all her youth. She stood out from the crowd then and still does.
