
Is he on Steriods?

But don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me


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Nope. He's on a lean diet and works out...alot.


Agree with just-kim .

I don't believe Jared would be stupid enough to pump his body full of that crap besides we all as fans know how hyperactive Jared is and that is the complete opposite to being on steroids . People who inject that are usually sullen and in a very bad mood .

Dean winchester : As long as I'm around, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.


I also agree he isn't on steriods.

Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! Unimaginable power! Unlimited rice pudding!


I hope not b/cs he surely bulked up a little too fast in some eps.


No hes not on steroids, hes a Greek god come to live!


I, too, noticed him getting bigger, but I think it happened gradually. It is more noticeable in the last half of Season Five and the early episodes of Season 6. In 'Swan Song', the S5 finale, he looks huge, especially after Sam says 'yes' to Lucifer and he's been possessed. I'd bet he was working at bulking up all season long, but if you think about it, he's always wearing long sleeve shirts and jackets, so it wouldn't be as noticeable unless they chose to dress him differently. I remember in one episode early in S6 he was wearing just a t-shirt and his arms were gigantic! Of course, even back as long ago as S2, he was well-muscled. Remember 'Heart'? Maybe it's 'cause I'm old enough to be his mother, but to me it just looks like he's 'grown-up' more than he's 'bulked up'. Even his face looks more mature now than when the show first started, and lucky for him, he's aging very, very, VERY well. He looks better now than he ever did...and that's sayin' a lot.

"Truth -- say it now, or die lyin'"...Fergus (ROAR)


Don't forget, he's not bulking up within, say, 4 weeks. He's constantly working out all the time plus he works out on hiatus.

Ha ha-made ya look!!
