MovieChat Forums > Jared Padalecki Discussion > Why are the characters he plays so unpop...

Why are the characters he plays so unpopular with fans?

It seems that in terms of fan reaction for his roles (Dean on Gilmore Girls and Sam on Supernatural) the characters he portrays are quite unpopular. I just don't understand why. I think for the most part he plays pretty good characters who are for the most part good guys who make mistakes every know and again like normal human beings. I also think he does a great job portraying these individuals as well. Yet he seems to be constantly overlooked and often bashed continuously in the fandoms he is apart of. Much more so then his other co-stars (Ventimiglia and Ackles respectively) I just don't understand why. What brings out the viciousness in the roles Padalecki plays?


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I don't really know. I love his roles both character-wise and how he portrays them so authentically. Dean Forester did have quite a lot of fans early on I hear and then the writers flayed him alive (personal opinion). Even then many were sad to see Dean Forester go. Now there is a large following on these boards that dislike Dean Forester very much, but it is mainly the same people just reiterating their opinion. Sam Winchester has been another imperfect character as you said and really I don't get why some people dislike him. I honestly don't get it. It blows my mind. It's definitely not his acting since he is such an easy actor to relate to and his acting is very genuine with the emotions of the character. Then again people have a hard time separating fiction and reality much like how Genevieve Cortese(Padalecki)was hated by many just because she played Ruby. Dean Forester had it rough being tore down by the writers or at least being written choppily. Sam has it rough because brother Dean is a very charismatic character that is an extrovert and makes people like him readily while Sam is more of an introvert and you have to really read his emotions through the surface and not just take what he says at face value. Both of them have those subtleties, but Sam uses them more.

My end thought on all of this is that sure they get lesser reputations than...I don't know what to call them....his competition? but I know I can't get enough of all of them just because Jared's acting is so very refreshing and moving. Sam is a wonderful character that shows the indomitable power of the human spirit and Dean Forester was a good and loving boyfriend who seemed to have everything fighting against him and still he held onto that love. To hell with what others think. I love these characters!


My end thought on all of this is that sure they get lesser reputations than...I don't know what to call them....his competition? but I know I can't get enough of all of them just because Jared's acting is so very refreshing and moving. Sam is a wonderful character that shows the indomitable power of the human spirit and Dean Forester was a good and loving boyfriend who seemed to have everything fighting against him and still he held onto that love. To hell with what others think. I love these characters!

I just want to say I agree with this completely.

Crush the lesser races! Conquer the galaxy! Unimaginable power! Unlimited rice pudding!


I think one of the big reason fans hate him is because he doesn't play the typical Boy Next Door, or Badboy With A Heart Of Gold. he tends to excel at playing flawed characters. Some fans don't like characters that don't fit the stereotypes that teen genre shows are supposed to have.

When you look at his character on Gilmore Girls he actually started out really popular. Fans dislike for him didn't come until mid-season 2 when the Jess/Rory/Dean triangle really began to heat up. If you watch those two seasons you can see the dramatic change in his character. They needed someway to make the Jess character appeal more than Dean to the fans so that Rory's problem would be more epic. Sadly in doing so they shafted one character for another (they did the same to Luke in some respects during the April saga).

With Supernatural I believe alot of it falls on the fact that Sam is the mystery character of the show. He was tainted from the beginning and his journey is somewhat shrouded in darkness. Sam and his POV is largely unknown to the fans, and you sometimes have to guess at whats going on in his head. Whereas Dean is very muh the emotional center of the show. We see what he's feeling and thinking much more. It makes him easier to relate to. Also Jensen has a very large genre fanbase. I know lots of people who began watching simply to see Alec from Dark Angel.

And while this isn't 100% accurate, I have noticed (especially in Gilmore Girls fandom) Jared appeals to older fans. Most women over 23 that i know who watched Gilmore Girls were not fans of Jess. He reminded them of the *bad* boyfriend that winds up causing you more pain than pleasure. My younger cousins loved Jess because he was smart, and dark, and deep, and just had issues. So yeah....

Ooh. I'm ringing. - Do you hear it? I'm ringing - all - over!


A lot of the fan girls relate to Rory in GG Now Jareds character broke up with her three times. The only boy in the show who did not throw him self at Rory's feet. He called her on her crap. So they dislike him

They can get quite passionate on the GG board about him and Jess. (Milo) to the point if Rory says to Dean she loves him, they will go for paragraphs how she did not mean it.

On supernatural I have no clue


I honestly didn´t know people disliked his characters, are there polls/researches to back that up?

I agree with everyone so far, love his acting to pieces
Maybe people are just jealous!

I should act my age.......but I don´t want to!!


He's tall. The taller you are the more that's expected. It's true.

You don't want to be the tallest tree in the forest when lightening strikes.

Lightening bolts = fans.

Also, in addition to his height, Jared's larger than life in many respects. He's no shrinking violet, or blank canvas. In other words, his acting must be much better than the little people who seem to dominate HW.

Take De Niro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Pacino, who are fairly bland/reserved/shy in real life. They come to life when they bring a character to life. On the other hand, Jared is already full of life - Mr. Personality - so he has to do the opposite...suppress his life force. I think, as an actor, that is a much harder process.

And lastly, Jared's a people pleaser, or, he cares too much. That makes one more vulnerable, and bullies sniff out vulnerable, like a bloodhound sniffs out fresh blood.


I wouldn't say Sam Winchester is that much disliked anymore. Dean is just more popular. Of course there is always someone who'll hate him for what the character did and is all for Dean and Cas show. But by all means there is plenty of fans that prefers Dean that loves Sam too.

As Dean on GG - I think a lot of people remember him as that Dean too and bears grudge for that. Which of course is beyond pity since it's another completely different show and many years ago.

"Sammy, I get all tingly when you take control like that." - Dean Winchester
