He is really great in Game of Thrones.
... and under appreciated at that. His acting as 'Reek' / Theon Greyjoy this season (and all previous seasons) is out of this world. He really conveys the characters inner struggle with self-hatred and his identity being left out on the table. Every nuance, facial, physical and vocal is perfect. I really have to hand it to Alfie for making Theon a character I can empathize with though he made stupid mistakes; like burning Winterfell. However, unlike a lot of people who do bad things on that show he shows remorse all too well and a man who is being constantly broken, abused and humiliated. I wanted to hug Theon after last nights episode, though I hated him when he burned down Winterfell. People tend to brush the abuse he went through under Ramsay under the carpet. Man, I felt really bad for him. Those scenes were so hard to watch because they felt real and an attribute to both Iwan and Alfie's acting.
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