MovieChat Forums > Alfie Allen Discussion > He is really great in Game of Thrones.

He is really great in Game of Thrones.

... and under appreciated at that. His acting as 'Reek' / Theon Greyjoy this season (and all previous seasons) is out of this world. He really conveys the characters inner struggle with self-hatred and his identity being left out on the table. Every nuance, facial, physical and vocal is perfect. I really have to hand it to Alfie for making Theon a character I can empathize with though he made stupid mistakes; like burning Winterfell. However, unlike a lot of people who do bad things on that show he shows remorse all too well and a man who is being constantly broken, abused and humiliated. I wanted to hug Theon after last nights episode, though I hated him when he burned down Winterfell. People tend to brush the abuse he went through under Ramsay under the carpet. Man, I felt really bad for him. Those scenes were so hard to watch because they felt real and an attribute to both Iwan and Alfie's acting.

In Soviet Russia, Internet Uses You. 


Agreed. His acting is superb.


I agree. He is a fantastic actor!


I also think Alfie as Theon/Reek is one of the best in the acting department. Everything from facial expressions, gestures, voice exude a very broken character who has undergone mental, emotional and physical trauma. I have to give it to Alfie. I could never hate him for burning Winterfell. And I have more sympathy towards Theon than Sansa (as far as character portrayal is concerned).


Alfie is a great actor and it's a shame D$D care more about circle jerking to Ramsay than portraying Theons development properly or Season 5 would have been his best season yet. He killed it in Season 2 though.


He has been consistently good on the show, you're absolutely right.

I am you and what I see is me.


Came here to say this, I cannot believe he barely has any awards!!! They keep nominating the same damn people from GoT but Alfie has been a complete STANDOUT as Reek these past few seasons.


He's truly great. I have a soft spot for Theon.


Maybe you couldn't hate him for burning Winterfell, because he didn't? Seriously, what would his motive even be? The Boltons/Ramsay burn Winterfell and blame it on Theon, it has been revealed for quite some time now. Also, he didn't kill Bran and Rickon in case you missed that. Pardon the sarcasm, but really.
