Dead Wife LOL

SFW little weeble!


Leave the guy alone, short, fat and ugly is enough for him. At some point show some sympathy.....even though he doesn't.


Doesn't everyone work somewhere? Including loud mouth jerks and people with unpopular opinions? This event sends a message out that if you tick off the wrong people there will be payback in the form of firing. Unless there is a morality clause that says people have to carry themselves in certain ways on social media. Just feels like unjust payback.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


I'm not sure Patton Oswalt has that type of power, especially since he released that his wife was on an opioid 100X the power of heroin. Either she killed herself on purpose, or was incredibly reckless with her cocktail of medications.

PO is a jerk, but he doesn't need this.


especially since he released that his wife was on an opioid 100X the power of heroin.

You are a little confused. Fentynal is 100x more potent than morphine. If you have heard fentynal and heroin in the same sentence it's because drug dealers have been mixing the two and it has been causing a lot of deaths.

Either she killed herself on purpose, or was incredibly reckless with her cocktail of medications.

There is something suspicious about her death and it would not surprise me to find out that Patton has not been fully honest about his wife's troubles. He recently said his wife had an undiagnosed heart condition and was on Xanax, Adderall, and fentynal. I'm sorry but the only people I run into with a prescription list that reads like that are people with some serious issues and I'm not talking about legit medical conditions such as cancer. If I was married to someone who was on that prescription regiment I would be concerned because if not I would have to be completely clueless. What possible medical condition could she have had to warrant a fentynal prescription and what was going on that required Xanax. Two seriously abused prescription medications and not to mention Adderall, which has its fair share of being abused. Three highly sought after and abused medications is a serious warning sign. For many Patton is a love him or hate him kind of guy but he never struck me as dumb or clueless so I'm wondering what the whole story is. Was this a case of deliberate suicide or was it the all too often fatal result of prescription medication abuse. Were her problems truly medical or were they rooted primarily in behavioral issues.

A lot of you would be amazed to learn how many people suffer from a wide range of behavioral issues and can't function at all and then there are those who seem to be productive functional adults but barely get through their day because of their own behavioral problems i.e. panic attacks, anxiety, depression, bipolar etc. Anyone ever hear of fibromyalgia? It's BS. It's what doctors diagnose people with who constantly complain of mysterious unexplained pain. The people I usually run into and say they suffer from this are either your typical drug seeker or have a long history of behavioral disorders and can barely function in society. Ever hear of Toradol? I wish I had a dollar for everyone who told me they were allergic to it. In case you did not know Toradol is the weak pain medication so the easiest way for people to avoid it is by saying they are allergic to it. Always allergic to the weak stuff. If it were suddenly announced that Toradol was now 100 times stronger than morphine and fentynal was made weaker all these people would stop saying they are allergic to it. Fentynal is the kind of pain medication a person is given because they have terminal cancer or at the emergency room or the back of an ambulance so why exactly was she prescribed such an insanely potent pain medication when chronic pain (legit or not) is usually treated with other medication. Trust me when I tell you that I see people's prescription medication list and I can't tell you the last time I saw Fentynal on one. In fact the only one I can remember is from a person who has a patch due to terminal disease and they like to suck on it, which always leads to an overdose. I would like a little more information concerning Patton's recent statement:

“We learned today the combination of drugs in Michelle’s system, along with a condition we were unaware of, proved lethal,” Oswalt said.

The word "combination" is a little suspicious. Was it just a reaction to a combination of these 3 medications or was there an unusually high dose in her system.

Her death could easily be nothing more than a combination of medication as well as undiagnosed heart condition but nothing I have heard dismisses prescription medication abuse.

IMDB Terrorist Watch List Since 2004


Your credibility might improve if you would spell properly. You lost me at "fentynal".


The spelling error isn't fully my fault. The device I use thinks it always knows better and automatically makes changes and I usually catch the errors but sometimes I don't. I would change its auto correct settings but it's usually very helpful when it comes to big fingers on small screen. Now outside of the spelling error my post is fair. Xanax, Adderall, and FENTANYL is most definitly not a common primary prescription medication list, especially for someone originally described as having no medical conditions at the time of her death. You also might be interested in knowing that shortly after her death Patton said that her death might have been an overdose and that she suffered from anxiety.

IMDB Terrorist Watch List Since 2004


Gotcha. Didn't mean to be harsh.

I have little doubt the Xanax was prescribed to her or to Patton. The Adderall is questionable but well within the realm of reason. For her (or them) to obtain fentanyl by prescription is more questionable. Perhaps she had a history of an orthopedic surgery or some source of acute or chronic severe pain for which fentanyl would be indicated. Patton didn't mention anything like that. But just from what my gut suggests, I doubt Patton or Michelle were abusers of heavy street drugs - then again, who knows?

Sudden death with no distinct previous symptomology is not uncommon - an undiagnosed arrhythmia, severe coronary artery disease, valvular defect, brain aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, etc., may have been exacerbated by excess stimulation of the Adderall and/or respiratory depression and hypoxemia caused by the benzodiazepine/opioid combination. But again - who knows? Maybe she shot up street heroin boosted with fentanyl. Maybe Patton shot her up or slipped her a bit (or way) too much. Maybe the autopsy completely missed her actual cause of death. Maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe. We will never know for sure and there will always be a crowd of folks who disagree with Patton's politics or hate him for some other reason who will forever be reviving unsavory and unfounded speculations.

I, for one, have followed Patton Oswalt's career enough that I feel nothing but sympathy for him and I would have trouble believing anything ugly or inappropriate, beyond what he has explained, led up to his wife's death - unless it comes from his mouth.


Sudden death with no distinct previous symptomology is not uncommon

Common? It's true that in a world of 7 billion nothing is uncommon, but dying in your mid 40's from unknown causes is not very common in developed nations like the US and that's why no primary care physician is going to agree to sign a death certificate on something like this without an autopsy. A death like this requires an investigation and subsequent autopsy because it is never considered common. Unless a person is of advanced age, dies by trauma, overdose, or has a known terminal disease it is not common to just die in your forties from unknown causes. It definitly happens, but common is not the word I would use.

an undiagnosed arrhythmia, severe coronary artery disease, valvular defect, brain aneurysm, pulmonary embolism, etc., may have been exacerbated by excess stimulation of the Adderall and/or respiratory depression and hypoxemia caused by the benzodiazepine/opioid combination.

All this is true, but what I want to know is why a supposedly healthy woman with no known medical problems at time of death was prescribed 3 heavily abused medications. Was the Adderall for legit attention deficit or was she using it as a stimulant like college kids. Was the Xanax for anxiety due to the work on her book like Patton said or was it being used to treat other disorders like insomnia or panic attacks and why the f'ck was she prescribed something as strong as fentanyl. That right there sounds like Hollywood friendly doctor prescription BS. Was the fentanyl a patch, lollipop, spray, or pill and if so was any of it found. Not uncommon for a fentanyl patch to be abused orally causing a fatal overdose and being removed prior to EMS arrival.

But again - who knows? Maybe she shot up street heroin boosted with fentanyl. Maybe Patton shot her up or slipped her a bit (or way) too much.

I don't see any of this being a factor. Usually prescription drug abuse is a person's primary addiction. Users of heroin or other hardcore street drugs don't usually have a primary care physician who is adding to their addiction. I don't see her slumming it with hardcore street drugs or being a frequent flyer at the local ER.

Maybe the autopsy completely missed her actual cause of death.

Or did it? I have not seen it and I doubt that Patton is going to release it to the public. Maybe in the toxicology report is a reference to high levels of Xanax, Adderall, and/or Fentanyl. Even though the medical examiner found an undiagnosed condition that can result in blockage maybe it was not a significant factor in her death. We really won't know unless that report goes public. If I had handled her death I would have learned what meds she was on and after locating them I would have checked the dates and verified that the correct number of pills and patches/lollipops remain. Not being able to locate them or finding evidence of over use are huge clues when it comes to unexplained untimely deaths. Patton had said that his wife's death might have been caused from an overdose because of what paramedics said to him so I would like to know what the paramedics found that gave them that impression. I would hope that the paramedics did not say it could have been an accidental overdose solely based upon him telling them that she had taken Xanax before going to bed. Unless they found a significant amount of her medication unaccounted for there is no need to plant that seed.

IMDB Terrorist Watch List Since 2004
