MovieChat Forums > Christopher Nolan Discussion > Is Christopher Nolan the next Stanley Ku...

Is Christopher Nolan the next Stanley Kubrick ?

Is Christopher Nolan the next Stanley Kubrick ?


no I am


Nope. Christopher Nolan is his own filmmaker. Both directors have a very distinct wonderful style/body of work imo.

Lazenby, Dalton & Craig ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES!


Yes, if we talk about the importance for the cinema world and a scale of creativity, Nolan is really comparable to Kubrick.

Nolan, I love you forever!


what an embarrassment you are


Unlike Nolan, Kubrick didn't do remakes.


I have wrote about importance for the cinema and a scale of creativity. How exactly remakes are connected with this notions?

Nolan, I love you forever!


Yeah, I don't think Kubrick did sequels either. Kubrick probably wouldn't be caught dead doing a superhero film.


Batting for OP, I think this is a very silly way to compare the two directors. I feel OP meant, their influence to their generation and distinctive style more (than technical similarity). That's how I would see it at least.

Both of them are remarkable film makers with different styles of film making. A lot of people did not "get" Kubrick in his days and even later (Some of the best films ever made: 2001, Eyes Wide Shut, Killing)

Guess what would have happened to The Following, Memento, Inception & Interstellar if it weren't for the Internet, IMDB and Piracy (Sorry, but isn't that a fact?)? I feel most people (including myself) wouldn't have understood the master that he is if we didn't talk about his work much as we do now. Just my thoughts.
