MovieChat Forums > Parminder Nagra Discussion > was shown on TMZ recently

was shown on TMZ recently

so hilarious.. so she's featured on TMZ, and some usually obnoxious TMZ pap is following her around asking about her pregnancy. The funny part is the report the douche-bag surfer dude gives at their "headquarters"...he can't even pronounce her name..and no one corrects him. Sound out the syllables dumbass...


LOL, I saw that! PAR-MIND-DER NIGER Stupid

It's funny how hip hop changed the situation!


Not knowing how to pronounce the name of someone you don't know doesn't make you a dumbass, it just shows the guy doesn't take his job seriously enough to find out how to properly pronounce her name, and if no one corrected him it probably is because no one knew how it should be pronounced.
I've never heard anyone say "Parminder Nagra" out loud so I have no idea how it's pronounced.

Trent: Do you ever feel like you're wasting your life?
Daria: Only when I'm awake.


clockwork: He is a dumbass bc all he had 2 do was ask 'how do u say your name'?
He is a dumbass bc soudning it out u'd say 'NA GRA' not 'NIGER'.
He is a dumbass bc the tmz workers are on purpose rude 2 get reactions.
& lastly he is a dumbass bc he doesnt take his job seriously.
