anybody watch this? (UK viewers only i suspect!)
although slow starting, i really enjoyed it. thought parminder did an excellent job as a self-centred 21 year old.
anybody watch this? (UK viewers only i suspect!)
although slow starting, i really enjoyed it. thought parminder did an excellent job as a self-centred 21 year old.
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sharewerd! even in bend it like beckham, I was without a doubt convinced she was 17.
shareIt didn't work for me. I thought both Parminder Nagra and Ray Winstone acted well, but there was no chemistry between them and the script was poor. How/why did she go from loathing him to demanding sex in a heartbeat. There was no build up, no subtext, nothing to help the viewer understand and believe the transformation in their relationship.
The 'sex' scenes with Ray Winstone made me feel quite ill and I'm a big fan of his. I just didn't get the connection between them. That said, once the script had got past the gap in the story (of their connection), I liked the way the plot twisted and turned.
I completely agree mags, I thought the storyline was poor and just didn't make any sense. Why did she go from loathing him to demanding sex? Why did she again then change her mind in an instant and describe him as fat and ugly? There was nothing in the script nor in subtext to convince me of the reason that she was prepared to cheat on her fiance who she professed to love... it just didn't fit. The fact that she had the knife and was going to stab Ray Winstone's character was really unbelievable. Actually the whole thing was totally unrealistic and didn't fit with the character played by Parminder!
However, I thought Parminder and Ray's acting was superb and did get some enjoyment out of watching this despite what I've said above.
Yeah I watched it with my parents.
It was an interesting character that she was incontrolably obsessed with having sex with someone she wasn't even in love with but she was in love with the things he did.
It reminded me of "Tipping the velvet" when Nan Astley was obsessed with someone's sexual torture but wasn't in love with the person themselves and finally gave it all up in the end like they were trying to do.
-Hannah Montana fan 4eva-