MovieChat Forums > Parminder Nagra Discussion > A Mixed Race Is A Better Race

A Mixed Race Is A Better Race

Comments yes or no please. I say yes because it makes everyone understand that there are no barriers that should be put up so as to get in the way of understanding.


I think your use of the term 'better' is wrong. No race is 'better' than another. Who people choose to have children with (whether their partners be the same ethnicity as them or different) is upto each induvidual. Its good to encourage people to open their minds to other cultures but to say that creating a mixed race is for the best for everyone is wrong. Again, its all upto the induvidual


So what's wrong with a overall mix race? I think it would be better because the love is there.


In a way one mixed race for everyone sounds wonderful, but I think it would also bring some disappointing consequences. Think of some of the beautiful traditions that accompany certain peoples. After generations and generations of mixing so many of those cultures may cease to exist. Variety in humanity is a wonderful thing - we just have to start seeing it that way.
Also, I think one loving race would only ever work in theory. I think people would automatically start to look for differences (it seems to be the human way)... although I guess if you want conflict there is always still religion.

Man created God in his own image.


After generations and generations of mixing so many of those cultures may cease to exist

Why? You don't get culture at birth. Race is irrelvant in that respect.

Putting this back on topic-ish (as it's well off topic in the first place) Parminder Nagra, for example, is as British as they come.


Here Here! totally agree with you on this aspect!


Actually, children of mixed ethnic background have more likelihood of being technically better in a genetic sense. As, wider genepool offers more favorable advantageous traits/genes than the inbred lot back in some deserted mountain or something for natural selection w/in an intra/inter-species competition for survival. Studies also show that people of non-African origin (for the past 150-200,000 years) have a much smaller genepool than Africans - meaning less variety amongst themselves, it is strange then, that these Africans who have suffered such a long and vast scale of discrimination actually, have a higher genetic probability of being... shall we use the term, 'genetically superior' (?) than the rest of us. Interesting no? This would make a great research study actually, I wonder if I could actually explore this, whether true or not? Hmmm:-/

Oh,WhatABigManYouAre! HeyLetMeBuyYouAPackOfGum,I'llShowYouHowToChewIt


My kids will grow up half Iron Maiden fans and half Beyonce fans! Mixed race FTW!

"If I Was To Let...You Suck My Tongue...Would You Be Grateful?!?" Castor Troy, Face/Off!


How old are you? "The love is there"?
