His Twitter

http://twitter.com/ansonmount I think!!!


yes that is really him he posts on facebook also.


His Twitter is amazing. He's absolutely hilarious & really interacts with his fans. He seems like a really cool guy. I actually like him even more because of his Twitter, haha.

"A man chooses. A slave obeys." - Andrew Ryan


Yeah I checked him out on Twitter and Facebook and he really does interact with fans and answers questions... seems like a real nice guy :)
Love how he writes... everything is "Y'all" in his Southern accent. Really cute.


Thanks for the info guys, I'm gonna check it out.

You are a funny man, Mr. Bond.


He is a sweetheart, we go back to myspace (lol) where he used to discuss books with me all the time. Very down to earth and not pretty boy hollywood. He is a very intelligent man.


How can you tell if it is the real Anson on Facebook? There are a few pages with his name.


This is his Facebook page:
It's his official page- check out the pictures. :)


Thanks Jenn25, I had checked out a different page before. I like that page, nice pics, and a good bit of posting activity!

You are a funny man, Mr. Bond.
