Is it true she's non-religious? Just curious, so please no hate, she's been one of my favorite TV crushes, for years.
shareIs it true she's non-religious? Just curious, so please no hate, she's been one of my favorite TV crushes, for years.
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shareI have no idea what her beliefs are now, but I know a few years ago while she was still with Jesse Spencer, the two used to have private Bible reading sessions while they were filming House.
shareHeard she's not very religious too.
shareWhen we got home, I watched a quick interview with another actress, Jennifer Morrison of House fame, on the TV Guide channel. She was in attendence of the premier of I Am Legend and was asked what she would do or read if she found herself alone in such a crisis as Dr. Neville in the film. Her answer was refreshing. She said she’d bring/read “the Bible. Because you could just read it over and over again. You don’t get tired of reading the Bible, right?” I’ve been looking for that quote online but can’t find it just yet, but she did say it or at least my quote of it is very close. A whisper of hope in Hollywood.
Of course that may not prove if she is religious or not, but if she likes the Bible that much that would indicate she probably is.
That is probably the biggest conception because she did not believe in God as Allison Cameron.
I hope so, the world will be a much better place if people stop arguing about something nobody can possibly know anything about.
shareDoes it matter what Alison Cameron believes in? Alison isnt Jennifer...
shareNope, but people get confused, or just think characters mirror the actor allll the time.