MovieChat Forums > Mandy Moore Discussion > She got fat, she aged badly.. what a sha...

She got fat, she aged badly.. what a shame...

She was such a hot slim girl not so many years ago and a good singer.
One can only wonder how can people getting rich and famous ruin themselves so much. There are worse situations but she could have still been one of the best looking hot singer and actress around. Now instead she became so anonymous.


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Fat? How is she fat at all?


fat? wtf are you on about?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


She is not now and has never been fat, she's always looked beautiful and healthy and slim

Sorry for my English mistakes.


She ruined herself? Wow... well, I guess she should keep ruining herself cuz ruining has never looked so great.


can't outrun your own shadow
