MovieChat Forums > Mandy Moore Discussion > amanda leigh or wild hope?

amanda leigh or wild hope?

I've heard amanda leigh and I loved it but have only heard 2 songs off wild hope. I like them too but I was wondering which album you like better?


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Crap I've been listening to both all day....I can't choose. I might just have to get them both :P


Wild Hope. Amanda Leigh didn't really resonate with me. I only like two songs. With Wild Hope, I like more songs.


I've changed my vote to Wild Hope. Although Amanda Leigh is very close.


For me Wild Hope by far because there is more upbeat songs. I love Amanda Leigh, but it's not good driving music and there are only like two upbeat songs. With Wild Hope their are a lot that are upbeat and catchy. Both are good, but Wild Hope for me.


Wild Hope. I was looking forward to finding songs like Ladies' Choice, Nothing that you are, Looking forward to looking back on this album, but sadly found none which made me kind of unhappy. Pocket Philosopher is my favorite son on this new album, though.


I like Wild Hope a bit more, every song on it I found is relaitable and for me, addicting.

AL is really good, but I can't get into EVERY song like I do on WH, but its still a great album
