MovieChat Forums > Mandy Moore Discussion > She must have low self esteem...

She must have low self esteem...

How come every guy she dates is completely fugly? I mean, Im no prize either and it gives us goofy looking guys hope but why? Is it because of their money or something? She isnt poor the last time I checked. Her new boyfriend looks a lot like her ex husband and thats not saying much... Heres the link!

R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !


Maybe she dates men for their personality?


Maybe... Or she dates ugly guys because she feels they wont hurt her because they are dating "up" as it were. They cant do better so they're safe.

R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !


Or maybe she isn't so facile like other girls? Why is it such a big thing who she dates?
You seem to me like a rotten apple.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want. Go for it.


Nope, just a realist. I don't subscribe to that pie in the sky wishful thinking BS. We are animals and more often then not we seek what we want or need in others. Why do you think girls are attracted to the "bad boys?" Cuz they are strong and in control... Just like a female animal in nature chooses the strongest and most virile male to mate with. We cant help it because inside our heads we have millions of years of programming we cant shake easily. Why do you think racism, greed, and war exists? Because we fear what is different! Our animal ancestors were apprehensive about ANYTHING new or unexpected because it may kill them. Again, its nature and we cant shake it. There are always exceptions to the rule and in a sense random mutation and natural selection are big examples. However most the time we are the rule and NOT the exception. That's life, Alexa.

R E S I S T A N C E IS F U T I L E !
