wtf is this lmao she weighed like 12 pounds before and maybe she weighs like 12.1 now. these are girls my age? honestly? i'm about three months older than ms. momsen, but i'm 5'7 and 140 and i smack my size-8 @$$ and thank god for granting me these delicious curves before i leave my house every morning. as i should. as should every girl who is thin enough to keep her health in check.
it's scrutinizing like this that is the reason for girls throwing up their lunches in the school bathroom or flat-out refusing to eat. i mean come ON. i'll be concerned with the weight gain of some teenybopper rebel poster-girl who cranks pop punk bullsh*** out of her @$$ when she, like, breaks a record for the fattest woman who ever lived. and even then there probably would not be a single cell in my body that gives a damn, and the only reason i'm posting on here is because i do give a damn about what people like you do to this country's teenagers.