I can personally attest to the fact that there is no validity to this story in any current form. I have no knowledge of past years but I can comment on the fact that I know Jason to be actively clean, level headed, and a class act to work with currently. From my experience, he is one of the more down to Earth and reasonably honest people I've worked with in this industry.
Yes, he has had some bouts with addiction that he admits to and has worked hard to overcome. I commend any man that will admit publicly to his faults and challenge himself daily to over come those issues. Addiction is a tremendous disease to fight, albeit a self inflicted one. If we ourselves wish all to be better people we should tip our hats to those trying to improve their life and make personal changes for the better instead of negatively faulting them for their failures in the past. I am sure if we all look in the mirror we can find things we have done that we are not proud of. It is those of us who can look ourselves in the mirror, face what we see, and work to improve and better the lives of those around us that deserve the most esteemed admiration.
Yours in Entertainment,
Brad Leo Lyon