MovieChat Forums > Stephen Merchant Discussion > How Hot is Stephen Merchant?

How Hot is Stephen Merchant?

Let's play a game...
It's called 'How hot is Stephen Merchant'.
The object of the game is to come up with the
top reason why we like Steve...

I'll get it started:

How hot is Steve Merchant?
Stephen Merchant is so hot,
he has turned me into one
of those pathetic internet
groupies who checks her crush's
imdb profile daily and spends
hours surfing the net for info
on him.

Yes. I am sad. I know that.
Don't you think I know that?
But here I am. And that my friends,
is how hot Steve Merchant is.

PS- He looks so cute in that black
and white pod cast promo photo
(Don't shake your head, I already
admited that I'm sad).


This is such an unanswerable question.

Saying "how hot is Stephen Merchant?" is like saying "how big is space?"
[nerd moment: perhaps the answer is 42]

Hmm...Stephen Merchant is so hot that I can't watch romantic movies anymore because the leading men are all disgustingly unsavory by comparison. The only instance where I can see myself ever watching a romantic movie ever again would be if I could simply edit his face on to the bodies of all the other characters.

That wasn't very good, but I think eventually my creativity will kick in, and I think this will be a very fun, if not pathetic game to play [that is how hot Stephen Merchant is--I'm trying to bump up this topic so I can talk to other people about how hot Stephen Merchant is].


Stephen Merchant is so hot, that even teenage girls from NZ (me being one) are swooning over him. I seriously love him. My mum thinks I'm crazy.


I relli dont think there is an answer, an if there is it is eternaly hotter than fire! woo, all my love from the UK alicia x


I'm lovin' the responces! It's good to see there are others out there.

Well, I see that even teenage girls are lovin' Stephen Merchant. That's not so hard to believe. I too was a teen when I started having a crush on him. I am now 20. Not for long though, cause my birthday is coming Steve, if you wanna like come out for drinks with me and maybe...stay the night, marry me, you know, whatever...for my birthday. I'm totally up for it. No pressure. Although, I did book a church and buy a gown, so Lemme know soon!


loool! Lucky u 4 being around da age group, it sucks being 15!, wish i was born 10 years ago... perfect! then my mocks would b ova... Happy b-day, wen ever it is! Alicia XxX


Thanx for the b-day wish!

LOL. Don't be callin' me grandma yet!
I'm 20...he's 32. That's nowhere
near 'the age group'. In fact, I'm much
closer to your age group. He's 12 years
older. You're 5 years younger. But I guess
when you're 15, 20 seems a lot older.

Do you live in London? If I lived in London,
I would totally be stalking him. He'd be like:
'Oh no, it's that creepy American girl who's
always following me...RUN Ricky, RUN!!!!


I am SOOO glad that other people love stephen merchant as much as me. I keep on trying to convince myself that 17 years isn't that much, but it's not working...


looool. Im tryin an failing every day! man, i swear, if this board wasnt here i would go insane with unspoken love! I must plan 2 go 2 London soon, but if i c him what the hell will i say??? ooo, that sounds like a good nu topic 2 start! Alicia XxX
